Lesson 4 The Grandfather
Charles G. Eastman (b.1816,d.1861) was born in Maine,but removed at an early age to Vermont,where he was connected with the press at Burlington,Woodstock,and Montpelier. He published a volume of poems in 1848,written in a happy lyric and ballad style,and faithfully portraying rural life in New England.
The farmer satin his easy-chair
Smoking his pipe of clay,
While his hale old wife with busy care,
Was clearing the dinner away;
A sweet little girl with fine blue eyes,
On her grandfather's knee,was catching flies.
The old man laid his hand on her head,
With a tear on his wrinkled face,
He thought how often her mother,dead,
Had sat in the selfsame place;
As the tear stole down from his half-shut eye,
"Don't smoke!" said the child,"how it makes you cry!"
The house dog lay stretched out on the floor,
Where the shade,afternoons,used to steal;
The busy old wife by the open door
Was turning the spinning wheel,
And the old brass clock on the manteltree
Had plodded along to almost three.
Still the farmer sat in his easy-chair,
While close to his heaving breast
The moistened brow and the cheek so fair
Of his sweet grandchild were pressed;
His head bent down,all her soft hair lay;
Fast asleep were they both on that summer day.