推荐序一 Embracing the World:Lenovo's Blueprint for Global Success 拥抱世界:制胜全球的联想之道
Lenovo was the first company in China to become truly global. Twenty years ago, its purchase of IBM's personal computer business was a landmark event. Here was a Chinese firm acquiring one of the most important divisions from one of the oldest and most storied computing companies in the United States. The acquisition made Lenovo the third-largest computer maker worldwide by volume. It was one of the signal moments that announced China and Chinese enterprise as a global leader in twenty-first century economic development.
The move took vision and courage. Its success was not assured, requiring the integration of two enormous operations from very different cultures. Lenovo was betting not only on Chinese ingenuity and discipline, but also on a global cultural mindset. Where too many others viewed national and cultural difference as an obstacle, Lenovo embraced it as an advantage. It did the hard and sustained work of bridging divides, fostering collaboration, and cultivating the energy and creativity that arise from sincere cultural exchange. The efforts paid off. Lenovo came to command one of the world's leading personal computing brands, integrated IBM's most advanced PC manufacturing technology, and leveraged IBM's global infrastructure in sales and operations. Ultimately Lenovo became the world's largest manufacturer of personal computers, while its acquisition of Motorola Mobility in 2014 helped it quickly become the third-largest smartphone manufacturer.
Lenovo offers a model for the most important work of our century: ensuring the peaceful co-operation and collaboration of the world's two leading countries. The company shows that the result of such efforts is abundance for all, and that businesses can and must play a leading role. As vital as it is for governments and their leaders to communicate and work together, it is not enough. Global security and prosperity also require people-to-people exchanges, so that individuals come to understand and appreciate the rich cultures of the other side. Counterparts become colleagues, and colleagues become friends.
I am grateful that Lenovo has compiled its unique insights and hard-won lessons from its twenty-year global journey. While this book sheds particular light on how a Chinese company can successfully engage with the world, it should resonate with all those who aspire to lead in this globalized century.
John Thornton