第14章 心驰神往的迷人景致
Appealing Regional Landscapes
White beach,colorful corals,classic buildings,and the craftwork exquisite beyond compare—dreamer's paradise.
The Chateau of Chambord
Far from the stress of daily life,the Château of Chambord stands completely surrounded by nature.It is located between the untamed royal river and the wild woodlands,which is home to many boar and deer.Just two hours south of Paris,Chambord opens up to the Loire—a river now on the list of UNESCO World Heritage sites for its “living cultural landscape”.An essential stage on your journey,Chambord is the largest and most prestigious of the French Renaissance châteaux.Let this majestic[1] stone colossus give you a real feeling for the life style of François I.
Chambord was not designed to be a permanent residence,merely a hunting lodge.François I enjoyed retiring here to indulge[2] in his love for hunting,which at that time was reserved for nobility.He spent very little time at the château,leaving it void of furniture and inhabitants after each visit.As a result,it remained unfinished...
Over the centuries,other historical figures and kings of France stayed here and continued making embellishments on the château—among them was the famous “Sun King”,Louis XIV.
Ever since the crowning of Louis XII in 1498,the estates of Chambord have brought joy and nobility to its residents.Discover Chambord through its history,construction,installation and acquisition;the Château of Chambord was an object of much desire and greed...
The Domain of Chambord is surrounded by a 32 kilometre stone wall whose construction started at the end of the reign of François I.Oak groves,pine forests,moorland,swamp and clearings are all present in this landscape.In the national hunting and wildlife reserve that was founded in 1947,deer and boar live in natural state.
The woods of Chambord serve to repopulate other forests in Europe with deer,and also welcome numerous rare species(both animal and plant).Special attention is paid to the biodiversity of the natural habitat.The whole domain is managed according to the principles of sustainable development.
Whether on foot or by bike,benefit from nature's at Chambord with 1000 hectares of forest open to the public.The animals live in the wild all over the domain,and there are specially equipped viewing points for you to observe them.
In the summer,morning or afternoon,come discover the National Domain of Chambord to the rhythm of horses.Accompanied by a tourist guide with equestrian skills,ride along all the main forest paths at the horse's gait,discovering different scenery and fauna[3] as you go.You will be provided with a horse and will participate in the preparation of your horse before and after the trek.This half-day's evasion is reserved for beginners on Wednesdays and Saturdays.
[1]majestic[mə'dʒestɪk] a.宏伟的;壮丽的;庄重的;磅礴
[2]indulge[ɪn'dʌldʒ] v.迁就,纵容;使满足;使(自己)沉溺于;使快乐
[3]fauna['fɔ:nə] n.动物群;动物志
The Maya Traces in Caribbean
Tulum—The Walled City
Tulum's greatest attraction is its location.It stands on a bluff facing the rising sun looking out on views of the Caribbean that are nothing less than spectacular.In Maya,Tulum means “Wall”,and the city was christened thus because it is a walled city;one of the very few the ancients ever built.Research suggests it was formerly called Zama or “to dawn” in its day,which is appropriate[1] given the location.It seems “Tulum” is the name given the site following a visit by the explorers Stephens and Catherwood in 1841,just before the beginning of the Caste War in 1847,long after the city was abandon and fell to ruins.They ordered trees cleared and Catherwood made illustrations of temples,later to be published in their famous book “Incidents of Travel in Yucatan”.Juan José Gálvez is actually credited with Tulum's rediscovery in 1840.
History of the Site
The earliest date lifted from the site is A.D.564(the inscription on a stele).This places Tulum within the Classic period,though we know that its heyday was much later(1200~1521 A.D.)during the Late Post-classic period.Tulum was a major link in the Maya's extensive trade network.Both maritime[2] and land routes converged here.Artifacts found in or near the site testify to contacts that ranged from Central Mexico to Central America and every place in between:copper rattles and rings from the Mexican highlands;flint and ceramics from all over the Yucatán,jade and obsidian from Guamteala and more.The first Europeans to see Tulum were probably Juan de Grijalva and his men as they sailed reconnaissance along the Eastern coast of Yucatán in 1518.The Spaniards later returned to conquer the Peninsula unwittingly bringing Old World diseases which decimated the native population.And so Tulum,like so many cities before it,was abandoned to the elements.
Temple of the Descending God
This is another interesting structure.On the façade is a figure sculpted head down,and the walls inside show traces of the original pigments applied by the Maya.The descending figure is thought to represent a deity and Tulum appears to have been the center of his cult.
The Temple of the Initial Series
The Temple of the Initial Series façade bears several stucco figures and the earliest date found at Tulum came from a stele in the inner sanctum.Also important are the Temple of the Frescos which is filled with murals,now mostly erased by time and the elements.The temple shows traces of several building styles.The House of the Columns[3] is more complex than most structures at the site and worth examining.It's a palace-like structure with four rooms whose principal entrance faces South.Six columns support the roof of the main room and there's also a roofed sanctuary.With the exception of its Eastern flank,which is open to the sea,Tulum is completely encircled by a low wall.Watchtowers rise from the two corners of its Western flank and within each tower is an altar.A tiny cove nestles at the foot of the cliffs,with its apron of snow white sand.This caleta was where the trading canoes would slip ashore.
Art is not a handicraft,it is the transmission of feeling artist has experienced.
[1]appropriate[ə'prəʊpriət] a.适当的;恰当的;合适的
[2]maritime['mærɪtaɪm] a.海的;海事的;海运的;船舶的
[3]columns['kɔləmz] n.柱(column的名词复数);纵队;栏;(舰队的)纵列
Places to Remember Before They Disappear
Maldives is an archipelago country,which consists of 1200 islands,in the Indian Ocean.It is best-known for its picturesque scenery:White beach,swaying palm trees,colorful corals and abundant sunshine.80 percent of average elevation of Maldives is lower than one meter.If the sea level keeps on rising for global climate change,this beautiful paradise might disappear underneath the sea water sooner or later.
Cherrapunji,India,1290 meters above sea level,receives the most largest annual rainfall in the world.But 98 percent of the local rainfall comes from March to October every year,and the climate will become rather dry during the other four months.There is no reservoir for the rainwater storage there.Also for recent global climate change,environmental pollution,deforestation and soil erosion[1],the locals even can't get enough water for survival in the dry season.
The Sulu-Sulawesi Sea
The Sulu-Sulawesi Sea,neighboring Indonesian Seas and South China Sea,lies at the center of the world's tropical marine biodiversity[2].Some of the coral ecosystems here are the most diverse ones on Earth,with more than 450 species of stony corals—compared to 50 in the Caribbean and approximately[3]200 in the western Indian Ocean.
Bangkok,the capital of the Thailand,is located at the region of the Chao Phraya Delta.It is the political,economic,cultural and educational center of Thailand.Bangkok is low-lying and always threatened by floods during monsoon season.
What you really value is not what you have,but what you miss.
~Jorge Luis Borges
[1]erosion[i'rəuʒən] n.腐蚀,侵蚀,磨损;烧蚀;磨蚀;糜烂
[2]biodiversity[ˌbaɪəʊdaɪˈvɜ:səti] n.生物多类状态,生物多样性
[3]approximately[ə'prɔksɪmətli] ad.近似地,大约
The Longest River in France
The Loire,the longest river in France,rises south of the Central Massif and flows into the Atlantic Ocean 1020 km later.This is the part that goes from the city of Orleans to the city of Tours,enclosing that area of the Loire Valley in which over 100 magnificent castles lie.
What we are looking at is the castle of Beauregard.In this residence the central part has a double gallery with arcades opening onto the ground floor which was commissioned by Jean de Thier,secretary of state to Henri II.There is a collection of paintings quite unique in the world.
This sumptuous salon,built in the 17th century,which is covered with exquisite woodwork and has a marvelous ceiling with decorated beams,contains over 300 portraits going from the first sovereign of the Valois up to Louis XIII of Bourbon.Here is Charles VIII,Louis XII and Francois I,it was primarily they who brought to the region:painters,cabinet-makers,sculptors,and architects,who were to live and work here.
In this chapel,which has a nave and two aisles,there lies the tomb of a genius:Leonardo Da Vinci.Leonardo arrived in Amboise in 1517,having been invited to the court by Francois I,and was put up in this residence which is called Cols-Luce.The artist lived out the last years of his life here and Francois I acquired that masterpiece that even today represents one of France's treasures:the Mona Lisa.
We continue on our way to visit another very special castle:Villandry.Built on the banks of the Loire in 1536 it is distinguished by its architectural peculiarity,which is characterized above all by its rectangular pavilions instead of round towers.But its fame is especially connected to the marvelous Italianate gardens.Here in Villandry he called Don Pacello da Mercogliano to the court,which were more a great Italian artist rather than a gardener.On the lower level,there is the decorative vegetable garden,the most visually striking and original of the whole estate.It is amazing to see how simple lettuces and vegetables manage to have this ornamental quality.
Excellent wines are produced in the many vineyards in the ancient province of Touraine,which lies around Tours.Wines that make you love this area even more,just as the great writer Honore de Balzac also loved it.And in Touraine you also learn to love wine.Its history dates back as far as the Gauls and its international.Reputation has certainly no need of further comment.
The ones here are the dry white Sancerre,strong and vibrant,Vouvray,sparking and clear,it looks like a waterfall of pearls.This wine reminded Rabelais,the great writer of the 16th century,of taffeta,a silky and delicate fabric.
Those who love glowing reds will not be disappointed by the Loirs Valley:here is Bourgueil,with the strong perfume of raspberries.Chinon,on the other hand,has a delicate hint of violets.
And so,glasses raised.A toast to the beauty of these dreamlike-places.
A journey on the Loire is a meander in history,art and daily life.It is in a corner of Europe that etched itself deeply in the heart and mind.
The Unfamiliar Ancient Capital in the World
It's impossible to stroll through modern Rome and not bump into reminders of its ancient past.The Forum,the Colosseum and the Pantheon,just to name a few,are lasting testaments[1] to the capital of an empire once made up of 2.5 million square miles,three continents and about 100 million people.The empire reached its zenith in 117 AD,when the emperor Trajan ruled from Rome and months-long gladiator games were held to celebrate the city's glory.
Democracy,math,philosophy,the Olympics ...what didn't come out of Athens,the ethereal capital of ancient Greece?Athens fought long and hard,in confiicts on the sea and on land,to become leader of all Aegean city-states by the early 5th century BC.It celebrated its victories by building great temples like the Parthenon,the iconic symbol of art and architecture in ancient Greece.A plague—likely typhoid fever—contributed to the empire's fall.
Today it's shared by two continents as the Turkish city of Istanbul,but ancient Constantinople never once had to share the spotlight after Rome fell from grace in the 4th century AD.From that date through the Middle Ages,Constantinople was the world's largest and richest city,becoming the center of the new Roman Empire,the Byzantine Empire and finally the Ottoman Empire.Art and learning flourished in its universities and cathedrals,including the spectacular Hagia Sophia.
Famous for its “wondrous” hanging gardens,the ancient Mesopotamian city of Babylon had as turbulent a history as its location in present-day Iraq suggests.Everyone from the ancient Assyrians to Alexander the Great wanted to get their hands on this strategic location,and it would become the capital for many ruling groups over a period of several thousand years.King Nebuchadnezzar II,creator of the gardens,led the city during its splendid architectural[2] heyday around 600 BC.
All roads in the Incan empire once lead to Cuzco,bustling capital in the Andes Mountains from the early 1400s until its discovery by European explorers in 1532.To retreat from the big city,Incan kings would head to their summer home of Machu Picchu further up in the mountains.
Legend—and bits and pieces of historical fact—indicates that Tenochtitlan was once the world's biggest and most beautiful city.The capital of the great Aztec empire,which eventually morphed into today's Mexico City,had about 300000 inhabitants when Spanish conquistadors arrived in 1521.Despite being built atop a lake according to the wishes of an important Aztec deity,ancient engineers made Tenochtitlan as efficient as any city in Europe with a complex system of causeways and canals.
Most people think of Cairo and the Great Pyramids when they think of ancient Egypt,but the heartbeat of the magical pharaonic dynasties actually beat much further up the Nile at Thebes.Thebes was the ruling capital of ancient Egypt during its most dominant eras,beginning with the Old Kingdom 4500 years ago,and is home to two of its most revered temples at Karnak and Luxor.Most of Egypt's holy rulers are also buried nearby in the famous Valley of the Kings.
8.Great Zimbabwe
At 1800 acres in breadth and the only one of its kind in Africa,the complex of Great Zimbabwe confounded early European colonialists,who couldn't believe that sub-Saharan peoples were capable of its creation.They were,in fact,and built the complicated structures sometime after 1200 AD,when a wide-reaching empire of about 20000 Shona cattlemen ruled the area.
The Chinese city of Xi'an was the central stronghold for all of the country's most important ancient dynasties going back 3000 years.Tourists flocking to see the city's Terra Cotta Army,6000 unique and life-size statues buried to protect the tomb of the great Zhou emperor Qin Shi Huang,has made Xi'an famous in modern times.That will only multiply[3] when the emperor's sprawling mausoleum,rumored to hold invaluable treasures and rivers of mercury,is finally opened by archaeologists.
With upwards of 30000 inhabitants at its peak in about 1100 AD,Cahokia,Illinois remained North America's first and biggest real city until the Northeast's population exploded in the late 18th century.This urban center of the Mississippi culture had organized leadership,commerce and a penchant for mound-building.Monk's Mound,the largest at 100 feet tall,dominates the site and was probably a mighty foundation for the home of the resident spiritual leader.
The value of culture is its effect on character.It avails nothing unless it ennobles and strengthens that.Its use is for life.Its aim is not beauty but goodness.
~Somerset Maugham
[1]testaments['testəmənts] n.遗嘱(testament的名词复数);实际的证明
[2]architectural[ˌɑ:kɪˈtektʃərəl] a.建筑学的;建筑上的;有关建筑的;符合建筑法的
[3]multiply[ˈmʌltɪplaɪ] v.乘;(使)相乘;(使)成倍地增加;(使)繁殖
Tiny Countries That Pack a Big Punch
Size isn't everything.Here are ten of the smallest countries in the world.Some of them are rarely visited,except by travellers collecting visa stamps.Most are islands,often far flung.Their wealth varies,from nearly the highest per capita GDP to nearly the lowest,but all still manage to delight or enlighten the most world-weary of travellers.
Monaco,1.95 sq km
If you want posh then you've come to the right principality.Monaco was established in 1297 when François Grimaldi seized the fortress that still dominates the area from a rival Italian faction.The 195-hectare independent state,which lies on an exceptionally picturesque,narrow coastal strip,has long been a tax refuge for the spectacularly rich and famous.Actress Grace Kelly,who married Monaco's Prince Rainier,is buried in the cathedral[1] in the heart of the wonderfully preserved Monaco-Ville old town.Exploration on foot is facilitated by public lifts and escalators to help overcome steep hills.
Dress smart if you don't want to stand out.
Grenada,344 sq km
This oval landmass,known as the Spice Isle because it produces vast quantities of mace and nutmeg,contains some of the Caribbean's most spectacular natural vistas.From a narrow coastal plain,volcanic cliffs rise majestically through luscious rainforest to form Grenada's mountainous backbone,now under the protection of the Grand Etang National Park.Grand Etang itself is a water-filled crater that,legend has it,is bottomless;few have the nerve to swim in the eerily tranquil waters.Spectacular interior hiking trails lead to wonders such as Concord Falls,while beachcombers should head for the Levera National Park.
Malta,316 sq km
You'll never say there's nothing to do in Malta.For its size,the tiny rock and limestone island puts on an inordinate[2] number of festivals throughout the year,but particularly in summer.There's the Mediterranean Food Festival,the Malta Fireworks Festival,as well as a Jazz Festival and,most fabulous of all,a two-day event put on especially so that attendees can help select the country's entry into the Eurovision Song Contest .When you've had enough human interaction,head to a nearby uninhabited island to unwind,or wander into the interior to check out the megalithic ruins of the island's conquered indigenous inhabitants.
San Marino,61 sq km
Because of San Marino's high altitude,the view when walking around this enclave of central Italy is a bit like looking out of an aeroplane window onto endless clouds and the spectacular snow-capped Apennines.Founded in AD 301 by a stonemason named Marino,the rugged city-state claims to be the world's oldest republic.Steeped in medieval history,a visit here is not complete without trekking up to the three imposing tower-fortresses perched along the cliff tops,the oldest of which,the Rocca Guaita,dates back to the 10th century.Also check out the infamous torture museum,which uses diagrams to explain how the gruesome instruments were used.
Liechtenstein,160 sq km
Despite being the butt of jokes told across its borders in Switzerland and Austria,Liechtenstein has much to offer the open-minded traveler.Within its 160 sq km are awesome ski-fields,centered on the enchanting hamlet of Malbun,that have produced 11 Olympic alpine-skiing medals for the tiny country.Cyclists of all levels can burn along more than 90km of trails in the Rhine Valley and around the Eschnerberg mountain.
Marshall Islands,181 sq km
Mums and feminists get an especially warm welcome when they visit this remote chain of around 60 coral atolls and islands in the Pacific.The republican population of just over 52000 has retained the matrilineal traditions of original Marshallese culture,and at a young age children are taught politeness and respect for women and elders.The region is celebrated for its juicy coconuts,and as a world-class haven for divers,the crystal waters concealing WWII wrecks and endless reefs.Wotje Atoll is generally regarded as the most beautiful atoll in the world,with a lagoon filled with giant clams harvested by the islanders.
Saint Kitts&Nevis,261 sq km
Comparisons are often made between the dual Caribbean island nation of St Kitts&Nevis and the lush,tropical paradises of the South Pacific.St Kitts,the larger of the two islands,is dominated by a central mountain range,with a dense covering of rainforest,above which rises the cloud-fringed peak of Mt Liamuiga,a dormant volcano.Natural preservation is a key government aim,with laws forbidding[3] any construction above the height of the tallest palms.The beaches are pristine,as are the surrounding waters savoured by aquanauts from around the world.The country's colonial past has also been preserved and makes for a revelatory visit.
Maldives,298 sq km
As with most remote islands,some of the best adventures in the Maldives are to be had in the ocean.Particularly renowned are sunset cruises offered on most of the 200 inhabited islands(out of a total of 2000).Expect to find yourself clicking with joy as scores of dolphins put on an effortless natural display that you won't find at any marine park.Another popular excursion is night fishing,where even the lamest landlubber can expect to reel in a snapper.During the day it's a toss up between sunbathing or donning a snorkel and chasing angelic reef fish through corridors of coral.
Tuvalu,26 sq km
The nine low-lying atolls and islands of Tuvalu comprise one of the most isolated independent nations on earth,huddled together in an idyllic and unspoiled corner of the Pacific.Due to the high costs associated with getting there,Tuvalu is still rarely visited.The country's total land area of just 26 sq km is formed by a curving chain stretching 676 km in length;it's the gateway to tranquil reef diving,uninhabited beaches and paradisiacal weather(except during hurricane season).In this idyllic setting,dancing and singing is still the number one entertainment,with lively falekaupule shows put on each night.
Nauru,21 sq km
The main purpose of a trip to the world's smallest republic is education.Named Pleasant Island by its first European visitors in recognition of its lush vegetation and friendly locals,Nauru has since become a striking example of resource mismanagement.In just 50 years,a consortium of British and Australian mining companies has destroyed 80%of the island's 21-sq-km land mass,an area known as ‘topside’.Standing in the middle of this wasteland,mined for its valuable phosphates,is a shocking lesson of how greed can decimate ecosystems.It is not something you are likely to forget in a hurry.
Someday,I hope that we will all be patriots of our planet and not just of our respective nations.
~Zoe Weil
[1]cathedral[kə'θi:drəl] n.总教堂,大教堂
[2]inordinate[ɪn'ɔ:dɪnət] a.过度的;无节制的;紊乱的;
[3]forbidding[fəˈbɪdɪŋ] v.禁止(forbid的现在分词);妨碍;阻碍;阻止
The Breathtaking Falls in the World
1.Sutherland Falls[Fiordland,New Zealand]
In a country that holds a special place in our hearts,this gorgeous 580m waterfall is easily New Zealand's most spectacular waterfall and makes our list.Given its remote location deep in the wild and beautiful Fiordland National Park(also a World Heritage Area),it's one of many highlights of the Milford Track—said to be one of the finest walks in the world.
It is Europe's most powerfull waterfall sending glacial meltwaters over its 44m precipice unchecked at a flow of around 500 cubic meters per second.It epitomizes[1] the wild and raw Icelandic Nature and is a favorite amongst Icelandic Nature lovers.Its position at the head of the impressive J·kulsárgljúfur(the Icelandic version of the Grand Canyon)surrounded by three other major waterfalls on the same river makes it a no-brainer for this to make our Top 10 Waterfalls List.
One of the more unique waterfalls you'll ever see in the world,this wild and wide waterfall tumbling on the Hvítá River in two tiers at 90 degree angles to each other is one of Iceland's iconic natural attractions.Part of the Golden Circle of Iceland's main attractions in the Southwest,this is a must on anyone's itinerary[2].In addition to the falls’ unique shape,you can see rainbows arcing over the falls when your timing's right and the weather cooperates.
4.Kaieteur Falls[Potaro River,Guyana]
Said to be one of the tallest single-drop waterfalls in the world,this rectangular-shaped monster(said to be 741ft tall 370ft wide)sits atop the ancient Guyana Shield amidst some of the most pristine rainforest left on earth!Indeed a visit to this world wonder can yield rare wildlife settings as well as the reassurance that there are still places on the planet where nature is still allowed to thrive.Thus,Julie and I had to make room for this waterfall on our Top 10 List!
5.Yosemite Falls[California,USA]
Even though this waterfall doesn't flow year round,it does flow for a good part of the year and it's one of the tallest in the world at 2425ft.It's the crown jewel of attractions in the incomparable Yosemite Valley and it's easily seen from a multitude of viewpoints and trails.So given its ease of access,scenery,and sheer size,this waterfall makes our Top 10 Waterfalls List.
6.Angel Falls[Canaima,Venezuela]
Plunging uninterrupted for 807m(with total drop of 979m)from a mystical tabletop mountain(tepuy)deep in a Venezuelan equatorial rainforest,it is widely acknowledged as the tallest permanent waterfall in the world.Its existence defies logic as its source is nothing but the soggy cloud forest on the plateau of the tepuy.No doubt about it,there's nothing like this waterfall and the adventure to even get to this so-called Lost World(MundoPerdido)for a chance to see this world wonder is sure to leave you with a lasting impression.
7.Plitvice Waterfalls[Northern Dalmatia,Croatia]
When it comes to the overall waterfalling experience,it's hard to beat this world famous attraction.While the rest of the waterfalls on our Top 10 List are primarily singular waterfall attractions,this one is really a network of countless waterfalls(some of which are impressive enough to stand out on their own).The waterfalls themselves segregate[3] the many clear and colorful lakes that bring life to this lush and protected ecosystem.Plus,you have boardwalks that take you under,over,and around almost all of the notable waterfalls for some of the most intimate waterfalling experiences to be had.Add it all up,putting these waterfalls on this list was an absolute no-brainer as far as Julie and I were concerned.
8.Niagara Falls[Ontario,Canada/New York,USA]
Easily the most famous waterfall in North America,this powerful waterfall also ranks as the biggest one by volume with a whopping average of about 750000 gallons per second(2.8 million Liters per second)!vIn addition to its raw power,the falls is easily one of the easiest to access and view from all sorts of angles.While its surroundings are a bit less naturesque for many,it clearly makes the upper tier of our list of Top 10 Waterfalls.
9.Victoria Falls[Livingstone,Zambia/Victoria Falls,Zimbabwe]
Easily deserving of the top spot on this list(though it finished a very close second),it's the largest singular waterfall in the world spanning a width of 1.7km,a height of 108m,and an average flow of 1 million liters per second!It's no wonder this “smoke that thunders” is considered one of the seven natural wonders of the world and is a UNESCO World Heritage site.Indeed,it's got power,beauty,and it will make you humble and awestruck.
10.Iguazu Falls[Puerto Iguazú,Argentina/Foz do Iguaçu,Brazil]
With its brink spanning a distance of an incredible 2km in its average flow of 1.3 million liters per second,this falls tops our list of favorites.The falls actually consists of some 275 individual waterfalls and cascades.Catwalks make it easy to get closeup and intimate views and the rainforest surroundings make the scenery feel right for a natural attraction such as this.Put it all together and Julie and I believe this falls is heads and shoulders above the rest(except Victoria Falls)that we've seen!
Art is long,and time is fleeting.
该瀑布是欧洲最威力无比的瀑布。据估计,冰川融水以约500立方米每秒的速度,从44米高的悬崖上飞流而下。它作为原生的冰岛自然风光的缩影,成为了冰岛自然爱好者最喜爱的风景之一。此外,它位于令人印象深刻的J·kuls árglj úfur(冰岛语版的大峡谷)之巅,四周围绕着源自同一河流的其他三个主要瀑布,有了这样的地势,它入选十大瀑布之列也就轻而易举了。
[1]epitomizes[i'pitəmaiziz] v.作为(某物)的缩影(epitomize的第三人称单数)
[2]itinerary[aɪ'tɪnəreri:] n.旅程,路线;旅行日程;旅行指南;旅行日记
[3]segregate['seɡrɪɡeɪt] v.(使)分开;分离;隔离;隔离并区别对待(不同种族、宗教或性别的人)
The Seven Coolest Libraries on the Global
How cool can libraries be in an era of iPads and Kindles?More than you think.Only if you know where to go.
1.Central Library:Seattle,Washington,United States
The Central Library in Seattle is sleek,modern and sophisticated[1] and has tourists from around the world paying visits and taking tours.Yes,actual tours.
In its first year,more than 2 million tourists visited the library,which was designed by Dutch architect Rem Koolhaas and American designer Joshua Ramus.Tours began in 2006,two years after its opening.
The library was voted onto the American Institute of Architects 150 favorite structures[2] in the United States.
The library holds various art exhibitions,book signings and other events throughout the year,while visitors can stop by the Chocolati cart for a coffee and browse through the gift shop anytime.
2.Trinity College Library:Dublin,Ireland
The Trinity College Library in Dublin is the oldest library in Ireland,founded in 1592 by Queen Elizabeth I.
Not only is the exterior impressive,it boasts the largest single chamber library in the world,also known as the Long Room,which contains more than 200000 of the library's oldest books.
The Long Room houses one of the oldest harps in Ireland.Dating to the 15th century,the oak harp is the model for the emblem of Ireland.
3.Geisel Library,University of California:San Diego,United States
At first glance,it looks like a spaceship.
Architect William Pereira,who helped design actual space launch facilities at Cape Canaveral in Houston,Texas,designed the library in 1970.It has been featured in sci-fi films,short stories and novels.
If you need a hint of which film,think of Leonardo DiCaprio,dreams and a lot of snow.
Yes,the snow fortress in the film “Inception” looks a lot like the Geisel Library.
But of course,it's not just the exterior that's interesting.The library also hosts “Dinner in the Library”,which invites readers for cocktails,a silent auction and also a special speech from prominent authors.
4.TU Delft Library:The Netherlands
The library at the Delft University of Technology was constructed in 1997 and has more than 862000 books,16000 magazine subscriptions[3] and its own museum.But it will only take a glance to be mesmerized,as it is a sight to remember.
The building itself exists beneath the ground,so you can't really see the actual library.What makes it interesting is the roof,which is a grassy hill.
A huge cone pierces the grass roof,which symbolizes technology.
The roof covers 5500 square meters.Construction of the roof posed several difficulties in terms of maintenance and leakage,but it has become one of the most striking and greenest structures in the area.
5.Bibliotheca Alexandrina:Alexandria,Egypt
The Bibliotheca Alexandrina is the revival of the ancient Royal Library of Alexandria,which was the largest and most influential library in the Greek world.It was built by Alexander the Great some 2300 years ago.
The new library was reborn in 2002 on the shore of the Mediterranean Sea after 10 years of designing,planning and construction.
Along with the standard libraries with books,there are four museums covering antiquities,manuscripts and science,and also 15 permanent exhibitions,including “Impressions of Alexandria”,“Arabic Calligraphy” and “The History of Printing”.
With its circular yet tilting form,the library looks like a modern painting.Various carvings and alphabetic inscriptions decorate the flatter side of the building,which the designers explain is “a careful display of the library's basic proviso:language”.
6.Stuttgart City Library:Stuttgart,Germany
The Stuttgart City Library is controversial[4].Some say it's innovative,while others say it doesn't match its environment.
Nevertheless,the library is one of the most interesting buildings in the area,along with the Porsche Museum nearby.
Designed by Korean-born,Germany-based architect Yi Eun-young,the design of the cubic facility was influenced by the ancient Pantheon in Rome.It features a linear-shaped “heart”,which serves as a multi-story meeting space that draws natural sunlight through the roof.
The space throws various events,including book signings,readings and exhibitions.
The white and silver library may not fit perfectly with the green trees and red-roofed houses around the city,but it does stand out.
7.Bishan Public Library:Singapore
Located in the heart of Bishan,the award-winning Bishan Community Library spans 4000 square meters.
Simple and sophisticated,it was designed to look like a tree house.
The colorful pods that stick out of one side of the building represent books protruding from a bookshelf.Inside the library,these pods offer private spaces for reading.Not to mention a perfect place to hold seminars,readings and workshops.
Its ceiling-high glass windows also make it fun to watch people walking and reading from inside the building.
There is a great deal of difference between the eager man who wants to read a book,and the tired man who wants a book to read.
[1]sophisticated[səˈfɪstɪkeɪtɪd] a.复杂的;精致的;富有经验的;深奥微妙的
[2]structures[ˈstrʌktʃəz] n.结构(structure的名词复数);构造;建筑物;组织
[3]subscriptions[səbˈskrɪpʃnz] n.(报刊,杂志等)的订阅,订阅服务
[4]controversial[ˌkɔntrəˈvə:ʃəl] a.有争议的,引起争议的,被争论的;好争论的
Amazing Castles Around the Globe
1.Hohenzollern Castle,Germany
This fairytale castle is the historical seat of the Prussian Kings and German Emperors.Its origin dates back to the Middle Ages—it was built in the 11th century,then completely destroyed in 1423 and reconstructed in 1461.
The view from the castle that stands on top of Mount Hohenzollern(855 m)is as stunning as the complex itself.The castle is located about 50 kilometers(30 mi)south of Stuttgart,the capital of the Baden-Württemberg state.
2.Castle Howard,England
Although it looks like a castle,Howard is actually a stately home—a private residence of the Howard family that has resided in the complex for more than 300 years.The house,located in North Yorkshire,England,is one of the largest residences in Britain.Its construction commenced at the end of the 17th century and lasted around 15 years.Among the remarkable features of the castle are fabulous gardens and a vast expanse of parkland surrounding the whole complex.
3.Alcázar of Segovia,Spain
Segovia Castle,located in an ancient town of Segovia in central Spain,started off as an Arab fort in the 12th century.Its unique shape of the bow of a ship makes the fortress one of the most distinctive castles in the country.In the Middle Ages Alcazar was a key fortress in the defense of the country.Apparently,it was a source of inspiration for many of the castles produced by Walt Disney.
4.Himeji Castle,Japan
Himeji Castle,also known as White Heron Castle due to its amazing white exterior,is a stunning complex comprised of 83 wooden buildings.One of the most extraordinary defensive elements of the castle is the maze of paths leading to the main keep.The gates and baileys are designed so as to force approaching[1] intruders to travel into spiral pattern,facing many dead ends.It was originally built in the 14th century and is located in the Kansai region of Japan.
5.Prague Castle,The Czech Republic
Prague Castle,an iconic site of the capital of the Czech Republic,is one of the largest and oldest castles in the world.It is about 570 meter long and 130 meter wide,and its design represents literally every architectural style of the last millennium,from Gothic to Romanesque and Baroque features.The first buildings of the complex emerged as early as in the 9th century.
Located in an idyllic setting in the Carpathian Mountains of Romania,the PeleşCastle is truly a fairytale construction.Started in 1873,the construction of the complex was quite an international undertaking.This is how Queen Elisabeth of Romania described the construction phase:“Italians were masons,Romanians were building terraces,the Gypsies were coolies.Albanians and Greeks worked in stone,Germans and Hungarians were carpenters.Turks were burning brick.Engineers were Polish and the stone carvers were Czech.The Frenchmen were drawing,and the Englishmen were measuring...” Apparently,there were 14 languages heard among the workers.
7.Mont Saint-Michel,France
Mont Saint-Michel is a rocky tidal island and a commune in Normandy,France.It is located approximately one kilometer(just over half a mile)off the country's north-western coast,at the mouth of the Couesnon River near Avranches.The population of the island is 41,as of 2006.The island has been a strategic point holding fortifications[2] since ancient times,and since the 8th century AD it became the seat of the Saint-Michel monastery,from which it draws the name.
8.Neuschwanstein Castle,Germany
The castle,whose construction began in 1896,was designed by Christian Jank,a theatrical set designer rather than an architect,for Ludwig II of Bavaria who was declared insane before the castle's completion.This explains a lot.The architecture,the location and the size of the Neuschwanstein are spectacular and somewhat crazy.Situated on a rugged hill,in southwest Bavaria,today the castle is one of the country's most popular tourist attractions.
9.Corfe Castle,England
Although ruins are all that remained of Corfe Castle,the fortifications still make quite a big impression.Located in the county of Dorset on the Isle of Purbeck,the castle dates back to the 9th century.It is believed,however,that Corfe might have emerged much earlier and was a Roman defensive site.The parts whose remnants you can see today were constructed in the 11th century,and two centuries later the fortress was used as a royal treasure storehouse and prison.
10.Matsumoto Castle,Japan
Matsumoto Castle is an absolutely stunning Japanese castle located in the city of Matsumoto,within easy reach of Tokyo.The castle was built in 1504 and today it is listed as a National Treasure of Japan.It was in use until mid-19th century.After the Meiji Restoration in 1868,the new Japanese government was so broke that it decided to demolish the castle and sell the timber and the iron fittings(this was the fate of many castles in Japan at the time).Matsumoto was rescued by local citizens who purchased it in 1878.
11.Burg Eltz Castle,Germany
Burg Eltz is another example of outstanding German castles.This amazing medieval construction in southwest Germany is still owned by a branch of the same family that resided there over 800 years ago.The present owner of the castle is Dr.Karl Graf von und zu Eltz who represents the 33rd generation of the House of Eltz.
12.EileanDonan Castle,Scotland
Built in the 13th century to hold back the Vikings,today EileanDonan Castle is one of the most famous sites in Scotland.Most probably it was named after Bishop Donan who came to Scotland in the 6th century.It is situated on an island,surrounded by the amazing scenery of the Scottish highlands.The fortress has been rebuilt at least four times and for around 200 years(from 18th to 20th century)it actually laid in ruins.It was re-opened in 1932 and since then it has been visited by thousands of travelers from around the world.
13.Neuchâtel Castle,Switzerland
The castle,built at the end of the 10th century,was a gift of Rudolph III King of Burgundy to his wife.This very generous present gave its name to the town,the lake and then the Swiss canton where the castle is situated.Rebuilt in the 15th and 17th century,today the castle is the seat of cantonal government and the law courts.
14.Guaita Fortress,San Marino
Guaita Fortress,located on Guaita peak and overlooking the city of San Marino,is an iconic image of this micro country embraced by Italy.The fortress was constructed in the 11th century and served as a prison for some time.Guaita is one of the Three Towers of San Marino,located on the three peaks of Monte Titano.The towers are depicted[3] on the San Marino's national flag and its coat of arms.
15.Conwy Castle,Wales
Conwy is one of the most prominent fortresses built by Edward I in the 13th century.It is one of the key castles of the king's “iron ring” of fortresses constructed in Wales.The stronghold was quite an expensive undertaking—it is estimated that Edward spent £15000(£162 million in 2009)on the construction,which makes it the most costly castle in the Welsh history.Today Conwy is declared a World Heritage Site and its eight towers,overlooking the Conwy estuary,are the iconic image of North Wales.
If a jewel falls into the mire,it remains as precious as before;and though dust should ascend to heaven,its former worthlessness will not be altered.
[1]approaching[ə'prəʊtʃɪŋ] a.侵入的,逼近的,接近的
[2]fortifications[ˌfɔ:tɪfɪˈkeɪʃnz] n.筑垒,设防(fortification的名词复数);碉堡
[3]depicted[dɪ'pɪktid] v.描绘,描画(depict的过去式和过去分词);描述
World's Top 12 National Parks
Yellowstone National Park
In 1872,President Ulysses S.Grant signed the Yellowstone National Park Act,making a 2 million-acre expanse teeming with geysers,canyons and herds of bison the first national park in the world.The law would protect a swath of land from Wyoming to parts of Montana and Idaho preserving the territory's natural wonders for the benefit of future generations.The idea caught on quickly.Australia,Canada and New Zealand quickly followed suit,creating their own national parks—by definition places of great natural beauty,not altered by man,open to the public and protected by governmental authorities.
Serengeti National Park
Chase the Migration through Serengeti National Park and you'll have the ride of your life.This game preserve plays host to one of the largest annual wildlife movements on the planet;over a million wildebeests and other four-legged friends chase the horizon from one end of the park to the other.Between shooting(photographs of)the animals,take in the diverse terrain.Highlights of the landscape include Lobo Valley and Ngorongoro Crater.
Grand Canyon
Considered one of the seven natural wonders of the world,the Grand Canyon captivates visitors with shifting colors,incredible depth,and unique rock formations.There are numerous ways to the take in this national park,but via helicopter or raft are two of the most creative and thrilling.Whether you're in the air,on the Colorado River,or on solid ground,be sure to photograph the canyon from multiple[1] vantage points.
Machu Picchu
In 1981,the Inca ruins of Machu Picchu and the surrounding area were declared a Peruvian Historical Sanctuary—which is close enough to “national park” for us.Inhabited by humans for hundreds of years,the UNESCO World Heritage Site annually draws thousands of visitors eager to behold the remains of this ancient metropolis and the natural splendor of the Andes Mountain.Hiking the historical Inca Trail from Cusco is the best way to absorb the sanctuary's majesty.
Fiordland National Park
Thanks to Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings trilogy,many people have fallen in love with New Zealand's dramatic landscape.Nowhere in the country is more picture-perfect than Fjordland National Park.While the Sutherland Falls impresses visitors,it's the Milford Sound(a deep fjord carved by a glacier)that steals most of the thunder.You'll find this park near Queenstown.
Galapagos Islands
Made famous by Charles Darwin,this chain of islands hosts an incredible array of wildlife.From the colorful insects to the chirping birds to the unusual reptiles(i.e.Galapagos tortoises),the creatures here enchant[2] observers.While you probably won't tire of nature watching,you can also lounge on beaches,swim alongside sea lions,and trek across uninhabited islands.
With numerous attractions scattered through the park,Yellowstone is the Disneyworld of national parks.In the summer,you'll even encounter full parking lots and restroom lines.Still,its popularity has not dulled its natural beauty.Mammoth Hot Springs,Old Faithful,and the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone continue to amaze visitors year after year.
Canaima National Park
You can't pass up the world's tallest waterfall,so you shouldn't miss Canaima National Park.Located in southeast Venezuela,this park boasts the awe-inspiring Angel Falls,which pours water from more than half a mile high.A UNESCO world heritage site,Canaima has a unique geographical formation called a “tepuis”,a massive rock plateau that covers roughly 65 percent of the park.
Kruger National Park
South Africa's iconic Kruger National Park is perhaps the most tourist-friendly game park in Africa.It boasts a vast array of campsites,safari packages,family excursions,and luxury lodges.Where else can you sip wine while watching giraffes?Despite its popularity and convenience for homo sapiens,Kruger continues to host hundreds of animal species(antelope,leopards,and cheetahs among them),just waiting to be photographed.
Close your eyes and picture the snowy peaks of Switzerland.Now,turn to face north and open your eyes.There,you'll see Banff National Park in our neighbor's backyard.With countless ski runs,hiking trails,and mountain bike paths,this Canadian Park is a prime destination for adventure.Plus,its proximity[4] makes a visit easier and more affordable than international destinations,like the Swiss Alps.
Torres Del Paine National Park
You won't spot many animals here(especially at the higher elevations),but that's okay because the landscape is the true star of the show.Located in Chilean Patagonia,Torres Del Paine National Park encompasses more than 400000 acres of stunning geographical features,like its four lakes,Grey Glacier and Paine Massif—the jagged stone peaks that crown the park.Adventure seekers can explore the terrain on horse-back,a boat,or their own two feet.
Kakadu National Park
Located in Australia's rugged Northern Territory near the city of Darwin,Kakadu National Park amazes travelers with its varied geography,featuring rocky plateaus and expansive wetlands.In addition to the aboriginal people,an amazing array of animals,including crocodiles and wild horses,also call this park home.
Just a few hours from San Francisco,Yosemite is a small world unto itself.This park encompasses diverse landscapes such as Mariposa Grove and Tuolumne Meadows.It has famous monuments,like Half Dome and El Capitan,and plenty of hidden treasures tucked along its 750 miles of trails.While some visitors explore these attractions on foot,others admire them from afar(Glacier Point is a popular lookout spot).
The lanscope belongs to the man who looks at it.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
[1]multiple['mʌltɪpl] a.多重的;多个的;复杂的
[2]enchant[ɪn'tʃɑ:nt] v.使心醉,使迷惑;用魔法迷惑
[4]proximity[prɒk'sɪməti] n.接近,邻近;接近度,距离;亲近
阅读课堂 与地名有关的俚语
Slang Related to Place Names
meet one's Waterloo
滑铁卢是一代天骄拿破仑遭受惨败的地方。遭遇滑铁卢,对一个人来说,后果不堪设想。无怪据说二战期间,在准备诺曼底反攻时,温斯顿·丘吉尔和随员冒雨去某地开会,其随员因路滑而摔了一跤,脱口说一句“To meet Waterloo!”丘吉尔竟联想到拿破仑兵败滑铁卢的典故,恼怒地斥责他:“胡说!我要去凯旋门呢!”
be Greek to someone
Greek kalends/calends
A:When will you finish your work?
B:At the Greek kalends.
castle in Spain
He is always living in a castle in Spain as a daydreamer.
set the Thames on fire
from China to Peru
between Scylla and Charybdis
When in Rome,do as the Romans do.
Take it easy and have a try!You know,when in Rome,do as the Romans do.
carry coals to Newcastle
You are carrying coals to Newcastle if you water those flowers right now.The rain is just around the corner.