Some international organizations have revised upward their projections for China’s economic growth this year. To sum up, I believe the Chinese economy will break winds and waves, and sail toward a brighter future. I have full confidence in that.
(来源:总理答中外记者问 2023年)
❶ Some international organizations have revised upward their projections for China’s economic growth this year.一些国际组织也调高了今年中国经济增速的预期。
在这句话中,要注意对revise upward这一表达的理解,它的意思基本上和upward一致。
❷ To sum up, I believe the Chinese economy will break winds and waves, and sail toward a brighter future.对中国经济的前景,我想用8个字来概括,就是“长风破浪,未来可期”。
to sum up字面意思就是“简而言之”,在这里很好地诠释出我们总理的“我想用8个字来概括”的意思。
break winds and waves, and sail toward a brighter future意为“长风破浪,未来可期”,例如:
If you are willing to climb the summit, you can break winds and waves,and sail toward a brighter future. 只要你肯勇攀高峰,就能长风破浪,驶向更加辉煌的未来(未来可期)。
❸ I have full confidence in that.对此,我充满信心。
have confidence in sth. 意为“对某事有信心”,例如:
I have confidence in my team’s ability to deliver exceptional results. 我对我的团队交付卓越的成果充满信心。
▸ I have every faith in
I have every faith in our company’s future success, based on our strong financial performance and talented employees.我对我们公司未来的成功充满信心,这基于我们强大的财务表现和才华横溢的员工。
▸ I have no doubt that
I have no doubt that our team will meet the deadline, as they have proven themselves to be efficient and hardworking.我毫不怀疑我们的团队会按时完成任务,因为他们已证明自己是高效、勤奋的。