1.2.3 Monetary Unit
The monetary unit assumption means that the accounting is based on the measurement of currency with currency stability. Because only in the situation of currency being stable or relatively stable, the asset value at different points of time can be comparable, the income and expense during the same period can be compared, operating results can be calculated and determined, and the accounting information provided by the financial statements can truly reflect the operating condition of an enterprise.
Money is the common ground of business. For example, countries with the monetary unit of dollar are the Unites States and Canada, and those of peso are Mexico, Philippines, Chile, etc.. Which money to be chosen as the monetary unit of an enterprise depends on the country in which it operates. However, many companies are preparing financial reports with more than one monetary unit. The monetary unit assumption requires that an enterprise only record those transactions that could be reflected by money. This assumption also enables the economic events to be accountable.
In various countries, the stability of monetary unit has always been a big problem. The loss in value of money is called inflation. In some countries, the inflation rate of each year has been more than 300%. In those countries where inflation has been so significant, the financial statements need to be adjusted by an inflation factor so as to realize the significance of money as a unit of measurement.
This assumption fails to include some of the relevant information in the accounting records, such as the health of a company’s owner, the quality of service, the morale of employee and etc.. The reason is that although this kind of information is very important, enterprises cannot quantify them into monetary terms.The accounting just records transactions and events that can be measured in money.
在20世纪70年代前,美国公布的通货膨胀率(inflation rate)相对较低。因此,有人认为,以调整的货币价值进行计量是不恰当的,因为增加的费用和扣除通货膨胀因素的误差均大于收益。然而,在20世纪70年代,美国经历了较高的通货膨胀率,这使得人们迫切需要对通货膨胀做一些正式的确认。
1979年9月,财务会计准则委员会(FASB)发布了《财务会计准则公告》(Statement of Financial Accounting Standards)第33号,“财务报告和物价变动”,要求某些大型上市公司披露有关价格变动对其当年财务报告影响的补充信息。1986年,这一要求变成了可披露也可不披露。目前,美国企业不需要提供这一补充信息。