1. Ambler, Scott. 2008. Agile adoption rate survey, February. http://www.ambysoft.com/surveys/agileFebruary2008.html.
2. Greene, Steve and Chris Fry, 2008. Year of living dangerously: How Salesforce.com delivered extraordinary results through a “big bang”enterprise agile revolution, Session presented at Scrum gathering, Stockholm, http://www.slideshare.net/sgreene/Scrum-gathering-2008-stockholm-salesforcecom-presentation.
3. Mah, Michael. 2008. How agile projects measure up, and what this means to you. Cutter Consortium Agile Product & Project Management Executive Report 9(9).
4. Rico, David F. 2008. What is the ROI of agile vs. traditional methods? An analysis of exteme programming, test-driven development, pair programming,and Scrum(using real options). A downloadable Spreadsheet from David Rico's personal website. http://davidfrico.com/agile-benefits.xls.
5. VersionOne. 2008. The state of agile development: Third annual survey. Posted as a downloadable PDF in the Library of White Papers on the VersionOne Website. http://www.versionone.com/pdf/3rdAnnualStateOfAgile_FullDataReport.pdf.