
第一章 雅思口语考试真题解构

雅思口语考试的时间为11—14分钟(考官会严格把握时间,考生不用担心)。测试采取考生与考官一对一的谈话形式,双方隔着桌子面对面坐着。在考试过程中,所谈内容会被录音,一方面方便考试管理部门抽查考试评分的标准性、公平性和正确性,另一方面也为了让考生在对分数有疑问时进行复查。口语考试分为三个部分:一般交谈(Introduction and Interview),个人陈述(Individual Long Turn),双向讨论(Two-way Discussion)。每个部分都有不同的目标和要求。




Introduction and Interview

开考后,考生进入考场,与考官互致问候。考官首先介绍考试,询问考生姓名,检查证件。开启录音后,考官报出考试名称、时间、地点和本人姓名,考生报出自己的姓名。随后,考试正式开始。考官会抽取两三个话题进行提问,每个话题涉及2—5个问题,具体数量不定,由考官把握。一般而言,考官不会刻意去追求问题的数量。考生紧扣话题进行简要精练的回答即可,每个问题回答30 秒就足够,不用过多地展开讨论。



—Do you like birthdays?

—Yeah,pretty much!( why)Because I am really into birthday cakes and all sorts of fancy presents from my family and friends,most of which I can't afford on a daily basis.(how to celebrate)And on that day my mum would invite all my friends over.It's lots of fun every year.

—Do you like movies?

—Definitely,I am crazy about it,( what sort and why)especially comedies,because they can always put me in a good mood.( which movie and who stars)My all-time favorite comedy is A Journey to the West starring the very famous Hong Kong comedian Zhou Xingchi.It simply is one of the best comedies in my country.



Individual Long Turn

考官会先给考生一张话题提示卡(Verbal Prompt)和纸笔。考生有1分钟的时间来准备提示卡上的话题。在这1分钟内,考生需要迅速地理清思路,组织语言,并且可以卡片上的提示内容为参考,记下一些能提示自己回答问题的重点单词。然后,考生需要进行1—2分钟的表述。随后,考官可能会根据考生的表述长短,继续提一两个相关的问题,考生紧扣问题作出简要的回答即可。



Describe a place you want to visit.

You should say:

●what the place is

●how you first heard about the place

●what you would do there

●and explain why you particularly want to go to the place.



Where:Paris/dreamlike place

How first heard about it:from dad/business trip to Paris/years ago

What to do there:shopping/coffee/music/elegant language

Why want to go there:city of romance/wildest dream/if you haven't been to Paris,you haven't lived your life at all



Today I would like to talk about a place I want to visit.You know,in my whole life,I've been lucky enough to visit quite a few wonderful places,such as Sydney,Melbourne in Australia and Shanghai,Qingdao,Hong Kong in my country.But there's this dreamlike place I haven't so far stood a chance to visit,and it's Paris.I can still remember about several years ago,my dad came home from a business trip from Paris.He sat me down and said:Sweetie,as a girl,if you haven't been to Paris,you haven't lived your life at all because Paris is the city of romance.Since then visiting Paris has been my wildest dream.So if I could be lucky enough to be there one day,I would love to go shopping,buying fashionable clothes,sitting in a cafe,sipping coffee,enjoying the beautiful French music,looking out of the windows,appreciating the people on the street,and of course,picking up a few French words because French is one of the most elegant languages in the world.So I guess what I am trying to say is visiting Paris is my wildest dream and I know it for sure that I will definitely go there one day.




Two-way Discussion



Interviewer:Why do some people enjoy traveling?

Candidate:They might like to drop in at different places,and find out what kind of life other people are leading.It is interesting to communicate with people from different cultures and we may share our own customs and traditions with each other.Plus,we can meet new friends when we travel around.And it is wonderful to meet new people every day!

Interviewer:What are the advantages and disadvantages of air travel?

Candidate:I think the key advantages are speed,safety and comfort.Airplane is faster than any other transport.People used to spend several days on the train before they arrived in another city.But now they can get to any big city in China within several hours.However,airplane is also the most expensive form of transport.If you are planning for a long-distance trip,then you have to consider whether you can afford the expense.