第25章 reckon 认为
Clarity of expectations is the key
White-collar workers tend to like hybrid working. Research by Nicholas Bloom of Stanford University suggests that, on average, employees reckon the blend of in-person and remote work is a perk equivalent to an 8% pay increase. The biggest attraction of days spent working from home is the absence of a commute. Other benefits include not having to get ready for the office: the proportion of people wearing a fresh set of clothes drops by 20 percentage points when they are not commuting.
白领往往喜欢混合办公模式。斯坦福大学的尼古拉斯·布鲁姆(Nicholas Bloom)的研究表明,平均而言,员工认为现场和远程办公相结合是一种相当于加薪8%的福利。居家办公最大的吸引力是无需通勤。其他好处还包括不必为去办公室做准备:不用通勤时,每天都换装的人的比例下降了20个百分点。