UNIT 1 家人 & 核心动词
Group 1

Group 2

Group 3

Group 4

Group 5

1. 姑姑,姨妈 a__n__
2. 兄弟 br__th__r
3. 堂(表)兄弟 c__us__n
4. 夫妻,情侣 c__u__le
5. 女儿 d__ugh__er
6. 家 f__m__ly
7. 父亲 fa__h__r
8. (外)孙子 g__andc__ild
9. 丈夫 hu__ba__d
10. 母亲 m__th__r
1. 爬山
2. 把……兑换成……
3. 赶上
4. 看到
5. 建设
6. 插嘴;破门而入
7. 登记
8. 使充气;爆炸
9. 信仰;相信
10. 以……开始
be beat check agree ask act
1. Have you ever in a play before?
2. I with you on this issue.
3. She me a question.
4. The food already on the table.
5. Simon always me at tennis.
6. After I’d finished the exam, I my answers for mistakes.
1. 任何人都能欣赏我们的音乐。
Anyone can our music.
2. 我尽量不在周日去购物。
I try to going shopping on Sundays.
3. 她刚刚当上妈妈。
She has just a mother.
4. 他过去常借钱不还。
He used to money and not bother to pay it back.
5. 每年的结婚纪念日我们都出去吃饭庆祝。
We always our wedding anniversary by going out to dinner.
6. 我们想为孩子创造更美好的未来。
We want to a better future for our children.