UNIT 8 家具、物品 & 核心动词
Group 1

Group 2

Group 3

Group 4

Group 5

Group 6

1. 电冰箱 f__id__e
2. 键盘 k__yb__ard
3. 机器,机械 m__chi__e
4. 录音机 r__co__der
5. 屏幕 s__re__n
6. 气球 b__llo__n
7. 蜡笔 c__ay__n
8. 日记簿 d__a__y
9. 词典 di__tion__ry
10. 直接的 d__r__ct
1. 点燃
2. 开机器
3. 打扑克
4. 把……分成……
5. 进入
6. 以……为食
7. 填写
8. 找出
9. 修理
10. 听从某人的劝告
1. Who (discover) America?
2. The teacher (dismiss) the class early because she had a meeting.
3. We were (encourage) to learn foreign languages at school.
4. I don’t think Mary is (enjoy) herself very much at school.
5. We were (examine) on European history.
6. The talks are (expect) to continue until tomorrow.
1. 如果你想进一步讨论此事,请给我打电话。
If you would like to the matter further, please call me.
2. 很抱歉这么晚来打扰你,但是我的汽车坏了,想借用一下你的电话。
I’m sorry to you so late, but my car’s broken down and I was wondering if I could use your phone.
3. 他的演奏技巧纯熟,但无法让我兴奋起来。
His playing is technically brilliant, but it doesn’t me.
4. 你可不可以解释一下你迟到这么久的原因。
Please could you why you’re so late.
5. 我想向你的善意表示衷心的感谢。
I would like to my thanks for your kindness.
6. 你去接孩子们放学好吗?
Would you mind going to the kids from school?