17 Next-door Neighbors
There is a saying that“Good fences make good neighbors,”but that depends on the neighbors. North of the United States is a country bigger than the United States called Canada.It stretches across America from sea to sea, from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and there would have to be a fence 3,000 miles long if there were a fence, but there is none—nothing but an imaginary line.An imaginary line is a line on the map but not on the ground.On this imaginary line the two countries set up a stone on which they said something like this,“Canada and the United States agree never to fight”;that's all—a gentlemen's agreement.It is called the“Peace Stone.”
Boys often say“findings is keepings.”The French people found Canada, but England thought she had a better right to it, so she fought for it and took it away from the French. That was a long time ago, but there are a great many French still in Canada, and in the city of Quebec more people speak French than English.
I once had a Newfoundland dog. He was woolly and big and ate as much as a man.Newfoundland dogs came from an island on the Atlantic side of Canada which an Englishman found, and so he called it New-found-land.Newfoundland is now a part of Canada.
Just off the coast of Newfoundland is a shallow part of the sea called the Grand Banks.