22 Rich Man,Poor Man
Whenever I pass a group of children playing ball,I almost always hear someone shout,“That's no fair!”
There always seem to be some players who think the others are not playing fair. Sides are always quarreling.
They need an umpire.
When Athens was young there were two sides among the people—the rich and the poor,the aristocrats and the common people—and they were always quarreling. Each side was trying to get more power,and each side said the other wasn't playing fair.
They needed an umpire.
Athens had had kings,but the kings took the side of the rich,and so finally the Athenians had kicked out the last king,and after that they would have no more kings.
About the year 600 B. C.things became so very bad that a man named Draco was chosen to make a set of rules for the Athenians to obey.These rules he made were called the Code of Draco.
Draco’s Code made terrible punishments for anyone who broke the rules.If a man stole