1 The World Through a Spy-Glass
You have never seen your own face.
This may surprise you and you may say it isn't so—but it is so.
You may see the end of your nose.
You may even see your lips if you pout out—so.
If you stick out your tongue you may see the tip of it.
But you can't go over there, outside of yourself, and look at your own face.
Of course you know what your face looks like, because you have seen it in a mirror;but that's not yourself—it's only a picture of yourself.
And in the same way no one of us can see our own World—all of it—this World on which we live.
You can see a little bit of the World just around you—and if you go up into a high building you can see still more—and if you go up to the top of a high mountain you can see still, still more—and if you go up in an airplane you can see still, still, still more.
But to see the Whole World you would have to go much higher than that, higher than any one has ever been able to go or could go. You would have to go far, far above the clouds;way, way off in the sky where the stars are—and no one can do that, even in an airplane.