[词语]to play possum
[趣释]【物象喻指】负鼠(possum)是产于美国东南部的一种灰白色小动物。雌的腹部有肉袋,常将初生小鼠装入袋内随身携行。等稍大些时,又将它们负在背上。负鼠受到攻击时,便躺在地上装死,而且装得很像。闭着眼睛,嘴巴半开,舌头露在外面。即使踢他一脚,打它一下,或者用猫爪去触动它一下,它都会静静地躺着,一动不动。可是,一旦危险过去,它便一跃而起,逃之夭夭。后来,美国俚语便用“扮演负鼠”(to play possum)来喻指装死、一动不动,装糊涂。
[运用]The dog was actually playing possum, and, though apparently asleep, was aware of every move his master made. 那狗实际上是装睡,虽然表面上是睡着了,但主人的一举一动,它都觉察到。
The baseball broke the window, but the boy played possum when asked who had thrown it. 棒球砸破了窗子,但等到追问起来是谁扔的,孩子都假装不知道。
The hare played possum under the bushes, hoping the hunter would not see it. 野兔在灌木丛中一动也不动,希望猎人看不见它。
One of the effective ways to deal with these people is to play possum. 对付这些人的一个有效办法就是装蒜。