[词语]to follow one's nose
[趣释]【物事喻指】在英国,到了陌生的地方或是迷失了方向,向别人打听方向时,常常会听到“Follow your nose”这句话字面意思是:“跟着你的鼻子走。”鼻子,在人的脸中央,跟着鼻子走当然是向前笔直地走,鼻子是嗅觉器官。狗的嗅觉灵敏,它一直是跟着鼻子走的。人的鼻子虽然不及狗的鼻子灵敏,跟着鼻子走就是指一直向前走、凭第六感觉。因此,成语“跟着自己鼻子走”(to follow one's nose)喻指向前笔直地走,凭直觉,盲目行事。
[运用]The store is on the next street. Turn right at the next corner and just follow your nose. You can't miss it. 那家商店在下一条街上。到下一个十字路口向右拐,笔直走就行了。很容易找到,错不了。
I hadn't been to Mary's house for over 10 years, but I was able to find my way there again just by following my nose. 我有十几年没有去过玛丽的家了,但凭着第六感觉走,我也找到了地方。
I don't know just where I want to go, I'll just follow my nose and see what happens. 我没有计划要去什么地方,只是随便走走看看。
That man just follows his nose; he's just filled up a ditch without troubling to think where the water will go in wet weather. 那人做事不动脑筋,简单地把沟填起来,也不想想下雨天水往哪儿流。