[词语]There is a crook in the lot of everyone.
[趣释]【言语喻指】人们所抽的签(lot)中,平直的签象征吉利、祥瑞、平安,弯曲的签象征厄运、不幸、苦难。抽签时,人们都希望抽到平直吉利的签。但是,用作签的小木棍不可能每根都是直的,总有一根是弯的,或者有什么别的缺陷,这就如同人间并非事事都是遂人心愿一样。谚语“大家所抽的签中总有一根是弯的”(There is a crook in the lot of everyone.)喻指人心总有不如意的时刻、人各有其坎坷。英国小说家沃尔特·司各特(Walter Scott)在其小说《罗泌中区的心脏》(The Heart of Midlothian)中创造性地活用了这条谚语。
[运用]The second crook in Mrs. Butler's lot…was the distressing circumstance, that she had never heard of her sisters safety… 巴特勒太太的第二项不幸……是这种痛苦的处境,即她始终没有听到关于她姐妹安全的消息。(司各特语)
He knows well that there is a crook in the lot of everyone. He trusts to bear even this crook in his lot with submission. 他深知人人都会有不如意的时刻,他相信自己能服服帖帖忍受这次厄运。
Since there is a crook in the lot of everyone, I persevered in the face of all obstacles. 既然人生总有倒霉事,我坦然面对形形色色的障碍从不屈服。