[词语]to be in one's birthday suit
to be in a state of nature
to be in the altogether
to be stripped to the buff
to have nothing on
[趣释]【物事喻指】据《圣经·旧约》(Bible Old Testament)中说,自从亚当(Adam)和夏娃(Eve)在伊园(Eden)里偷吃了禁果(forbidden fruit)之后,就知道光着身子是很羞耻的,这也算是人类和禽兽的一个重要区别。在英文中,表示“赤裸”的词语有几种,各有不同含义。nude意为裸体的、一丝不挂的。作名词时意为“裸体”; naked意为裸体的,未遮羞的,其名词是nakedness。naked有多种含义,有褒有贬,在某些场合不宜使用。画室里的模特要叫nude。nude是艺术,不会不好意思。如果有外人闯入,模特便会觉得自己由nude变成naked,会立刻抓起衣服。裸游为nude bathing,不能用naked;“裸体”就是“什么也没穿”(to have nothing on)或天然状态(to be in a/the state of nature); altogether意为“全部”“总共”, to be in the altogether表示“赤身裸体”有些费解,有人认为是“反语”,与法语中tout ensemble相似,本意是“整套衣服”,却表示“一无所有”“赤条条”; buff来自buffalo(水牛),意指水牛皮肤的淡黄色。人出身时赤条条来到人世上,长大后皮肤跟水牛颜色差不多。于是,人们就用“穿生日套装”(to be in one's birthday suit)或“衣服脱光露出水牛色”(to be stripped to the buff)来喻指赤身裸体、露着身子、一丝不挂。
[运用]Here's a snapshot of my son at six months old, wearing his birthday suit. 这是我儿子六个月时光屁股的快照。
When the telephone rang, she had just stepped out of the bathtub and was in the altogether. 当电话铃响时,她刚从浴盆里迈出,身上一丝不挂。
The natives go about their work in a state of nature.当地土人都光着身子干活。
You'll see what a wonderful build he is when he's stripped to be buff. 等他脱光衣服,你就会看出他的体格多么健壮。
He was stripped naked and left in a cell. 他被扒得一丝不挂,丢在一间牢房里。