4 Site Selection and General Arrangement
4.0.1 Power plants and substations shall be built in farorable areas,and shall be away from unfavorable areas;if impossible,effective seismic measures shall be taken.Hazardous areas shall in no case be selected.
4.0.2 Power plants should not be built in an area with a seismic precautionary intensity of 9 degree.When this is unavoidable,important electrical installations shall be located at hard(hard soil or rock)sites.
4.0.3 The railways and roadways of power plants or access roads of substations shall not be built in hazardous areas where collapse,widespread landslide,debris flow,ground fracture or dislocation is likely to occur in the event of earthquake.
4.0.4 Major production buildings(structures)and equipment of electrical installations shall be arranged in areas where the geology and topography are favorable to seismic protection,and shall be away from dangerous areas.
4.0.5 When electrical installations are arranged in the upper or lower platform of a retaining wall or side slope with a height of more than 8m,the distance between the electrical installations and the retaining wall or side slope shall be increased appropriately in view of importance of the electrical installations.
4.0.6 The fuel oil warehouses,acid and alkali warehouses,and liquid ammonia DeNox agent preparation and storage workshops of power plants should be arranged in a relatively low area on sides of the plant area.The tanks containing fuel oil,acid and alkali,or liquid ammonia shall be provided with protective cofferdam around.
4.0.7 The underground pipes and trenches inside power plants should be arranged in a simplified and distributed manner,and should not be arranged in parallel beneath roads.For power plants in areas with a seismic precautionary intensity of 7 to 9 degree,they shall not be arranged beneath main roads.Marks of underground pipes and trenches shall be made on the ground.
4.0.8 The pipes,trenches,and trestles outside power plants should not be arranged in areas where collapse,widespread landslide,debris flow,ground fracture or dislocation is likely to occur in the event of earthquake and should be away from caves and under-consolidated fill soil areas.
4.0.9 Densely populated buildings in power plants,such as the main power house,office building,laboratory building,and canteen,shall be provided with a safety passage roads respectively at the entrance and exit,and with a shelter for evacuation nearby.
4.0.10 The distance between road edges and buildings(structures)in power plants shall be determined such that the fire fighting access will not be blocked by fallouts during an earthquake.
4.0.11 The basic benchmarks of power plants and substations shall not be arranged in unfavorable areas.