3.4 主要报告及图表名称 Titles of reports,figures and tables
流域水系图(标明水文、气象和大中型水利水电工程位置) Hydrographical net of the river basin(indicating the hydrological and meteorological stations and large and medium-size water resources and hydropower projects)
河流(河段)综合利用示意图 Sketch of multipurpose developments in the river(river reaches)
河流梯级开发纵剖面图 Longitudinal profile of the river on cascade developments
推荐开发方案与环境敏感对象关系示意图Relationship of the proposed construction scheme and environmental sensitive objects
水库淹没范围示意图 Sketch of reservoir inundation area
供电范围电力系统地理接线图(现状及远景)Geographical connection of the power system in the power recipient area(current and future)
径流、暴雨洪水、暴雨量、泥沙插补延长的主要相关关系图 Major correlations for interpolated and extrapolated runoffs,storm floods,storm volumes and sediment
年径流、枯水期径流频率曲线图 Frequency curves for yearly runoff and runoff in dry season
洪峰、洪量关系图 Relations between flood peak and volume
洪峰和各时段洪量(暴雨量)频率曲线图Frequency curves for flood peaks and volumes(storm volumes)of different time intervals
典型洪水及设计洪水过程线图 Hydrographs of typical flood and design flood
主要设计断面水位-流量关系图 Stage-discharge relation of principal design cross-section
水库库容面积曲线 Reservoir storage-capacity-area curve
水量分布曲线 Water distribution curve
尾水水位流量关系曲线 Tailwater rating curve
出力保证率曲线 Output dependability curve
电量累积曲线 Cumulative power curve
水头保证率曲线 Head dependability curve
水库调度图 Graph of reservoir operation
电力系统典型日(周)运行方式示意图Schematic diagram of representative daily(weekly)operating mode of power system
悬移质、推移质颗粒级配曲线图 Gradation curves for suspended load and bed load
泥沙淤积计算图 Sediment deposition calculation diagram
水库回水计算图 Reservoir backwater calculation diagram
主要评价指标敏感性分析图 Sensitivity analysis of key evaluation indicators
水资源论证报告 Water resources demonstration
河流水电规划报告 River hydropower planning
河流规划成果报告 River planning results
防洪评价报告 Flood control assessment
水情自动测报系统设计报告 Design report of hydrological telemetry system
年、月径流(雨量)系列表 Yearly and monthly runoff(rainfall)series
洪峰、洪量系列表 Flood peak and volume series
典型洪水和设计洪水过程线表 Hydrographs of typical flood and design flood
水库回水计算成果表 Calculation results of reservoir backwater
年、月输沙量系列表 Yearly and monthly sediment runoff series
电力系统电力电量平衡表 Balance of electric power and energy of power system
各项工程规模方案技术经济比较表 Technical and economic comparisons of various project scale alternatives
固定资产投资估算表 Fixed assets investment estimate
投资计划与资金筹措表 Investment plan and financing
总成本费用估算表 Total cost estimation
借款还本付息计算表 Principal and interest repayments
资金来源与运用表 Fund sources and investment portfolios
现金流量表(全部投资) Statement of cash flow(total investment)
现金流量表(资本金) Statement of cash flow(capital)
经济效益费用流程表 Flow of economic benefits and costs
资产负债表 Balance sheet
损益表 Income statement