2.4 主要工程地质问题 Main engineering geological considerations
(1)水库区 Reservoir area
水库调查 reservoir investigation(survey)
人类活动 human activity
人为污染 man-made pollution
人文因素 human factor
古文化遗址 historic culture site,archeological area
自然保护区 nature conservation area(nature reverse)
自然景观 natural landscape
矿产资源 mineral resources
蓄水 impounding,impoundment
初次蓄水 initial impounding,initial filling
壅高水位 backwater level
壅水长度 backwater length
水库淹没 reservoir inundation,reservoir submergence
水库浸没 reservoir immersion
耕种土 agricultural soil,cultivated soil
耕作层 plough horizon
根系层 root zone
毛细上升高度 capillary rise
临界地下水埋深 critical depth of groundwater table
漂凌 drift ice
水库渗漏 reservoir leakage
永久渗漏 permanent leakage
暂时渗漏 temporary leakage
邻谷渗漏 leakage to adjacent valley
河间地块渗漏 leakage through interfluve
水库坍岸 reservoir bank-collapse,reservoir bank ruin
安息角(休止角) angle of repose
岸边侵蚀 bank erosion
岸边淤积 bank deposit,inwash
水库诱发地震 reservoir induced earthquake
触发因素 triggering factor
(2)坝址区 Dam site area
坝基 dam foundation
坝肩 abutment
基坑涌水 water gushing in foundation pit
坝基渗流 seepage of dam foundation
坝基渗漏 leakage through dam foundation
绕坝渗漏 bypassing leakage,leakage around dam abutment
坝下淘刷 scour beneath dam
抗滑稳定 stability against sliding
深层抗滑稳定 sliding stability in deep layer
浅层抗滑稳定 sliding stability in shallow layer
软弱夹层抗滑稳定 sliding stability along weak intercalation
下游消能区 downstream energy dissipation area
泄流水雾 water spray created by flood discharge
冲坑淘刷 pool scouring
溯源淘刷 retrogressive scouring,head ward scouring
地基 foundation,subgrade
地基沉降 foundation settlement
不均匀沉降 differential settlement,unequal settlement
初始(瞬时)沉降 initial settlement,immediate settlement
固结沉降 consolidation settlement
次固结沉降 secondary consolidation settlement
最终沉降量 ultimate settlement
沉降计算经验系数 empirical coefficient of settlement calculation
地基隆起 foundation upthrow,foundation upheaval
压缩变形 compressive deformation
剪切变形 shear deformation
冲剪 punching shear
边坡 slope
自然边坡 natural slope
水平坡 horizontal slope
顺向坡 dip slope,consequent slope
反向坡 adverse slope,reversal slope
坡体结构类型 type of slope structure
层状同向结构 consequent bedding structure
层状反向结构 reverse bedding structure
层状横向结构 transverse bedding structure
层状斜向结构 oblique bedding structure
层状平叠结构 horizontal bedding structure
稳定未变形边坡 stable and undeformed slope
变形边坡 deforming slope
边坡开裂 slope cracking
边坡坍塌(坍坡) slope failure,slope collapse
边坡地质模型 slope structure model
底切岸坡,淘蚀岸坡 undercut slope
坍岸,岸坡表层坍落 bank sloughing
潜在不稳定体 potential instable rock mass
局部失稳 local instability
渐进破坏 progressive failure
蠕滑-拉裂 creep sliding-tensile fracture
滑移-压致拉裂 sliding-compressive generated tensile fracture
滑移-弯曲 sliding-buckling
弯曲-拉裂 bending-tensile fracture
塑流-拉裂 plastic flow-tensile fracture
高速滑坡 high speed landslide
自我润滑机制 self-lubricating mechanism
碎屑流机制 clastic flow mechanism
气垫机制 air-cusion mechanism
流土 soil flow
管涌 piping
砂沸 sand boiling
接触流土 soil flow on contact surface
接触管涌 piping on contact surface
接触冲刷 contact scouring
潜蚀 internal scour,underground corrosion
淘刷 scouring
淤堵 clogging
隧洞 tunnel
洞室群 cavern complex,underground complex
傍山隧洞 mountainside tunnel
傍山深路堑 deep cut in hillside
越岭隧洞 mountain tunnel
深埋隧洞 deep buried tunnel
地下洞室 underground cavern
超前导洞 pilot heading
超前孔 guide hole
洞顶 crown,roof
边墙 side wall
洞脸塌方 portal collapse
拱顶塌落 crown collapse
边墙塌落 side wall collapse
松动圈 relaxation zone
冒顶 roof fall
劈裂剥落,片帮 splitting and peeling off,scaling
掉块 fallouts
临时悬吊松动岩石 false hanging loose rock
径缩变形 radial contracting deformation
围岩膨胀内鼓 swelling out of surrounding rock
底板隆起 bottom heaving
地面下沉 land subsidence
塑性挤出 plastic squeezing out
岩爆 rock burst
岩石崩出 blowout
渗水 water seeps
进水 water influx
涌水 water gushing,inrush of water
突水 water bursting
突泥 mud eruption
瓦斯突出 gas burst
有害气体 harmful gas
有毒气体 poisonous gas,toxic gas