What this book covers
Chapter 1, Hello Box2D World, introduces what is Box2D, what you can do with it, how to include it in your Flash projects, and your first Box2D world.
Chapter 2, Adding Bodies to the World, explains how to add primitive and complex bodies to the world, and see them displayed on the stage. It also introduces units of measurement.
Chapter 3, Interacting with Bodies, looks at showing how to interact with bodies, selecting them with the mouse, and knowing their position in the world.
Chapter 4, Applying Forces to Bodies, explains how forces and impulses make bodies move in the Box2D world, and how to apply them to animate the world.
Chapter 5, Handling Collisions, answers questions such as: did two bodies collide, was it a hard collision, and where did they collide. We will also discover how to handle collisions among bodies.
Chapter 6, Joints and Motors, explains how to create complex structures using joints, and give them a life applying motors.
Chapter 7, Skinning the Game, explains how to render Box2D world using your own graphic assets.
Chapter 8, Bullets and Sensors, discusses the need for bodies with special attributes. It also explains how to use bullets and sensors for a more accurate simulation and for silent collisions.