Who this book is for
As stated previously, this book will look at best practice concepts of managing contracts and communication, and how to use PCM as a tool to reinforce these concepts. You cannot count on PCM to become your process creator. Processes must be in place before you can use any tool to reinforce them. You can't reinforce something that does not exist. Each chapter looks at a project process that needs defining or a concept that is encountered in every organization that is contemplating using a tool to manage project-related information. Each chapter will be very familiar to any organization as a potential issue that will need to be overcome before putting a tool in place. The book is not a step-by-step instruction manual. Every organization is different and a different book would need to be written for each one. This book shows you how to use PCM in situations that affect all organizations that utilize projects. PCM is not just for the construction or engineering world. There are several vertical markets that can utilize these tools. Any organization that places contracts and any user involved in this process can benefit from a tool such as PCM.
PCM has the contractual relationship as the center of the universe. Any organization that places contracts to provide a scope of work can use PCM to manage the monetary aspect of that relationship as well as any communication that happens relating to that relationship. The contractual relationship is the basis for all aspects of PCM. Think of that relationship as the hub of a multi-spoked wheel. All communication and money-related documents or information then come from that hub. Each one of the 32 modules in PCM can be related to, or identified with a contract.