Hadoop Beginner's Guide

The Hadoop Java API for MapReduce

Hadoop underwent a major API change in its 0.20 release, which is the primary interface in the 1.0 version we use in this book. Though the prior API was certainly functional, the community felt it was unwieldy and unnecessarily complex in some regards.

The new API, sometimes generally referred to as context objects, for reasons we'll see later, is the future of Java's MapReduce development; and as such we will use it wherever possible in this book. Note that caveat: there are parts of the pre-0.20 MapReduce libraries that have not been ported to the new API, so we will use the old interfaces when we need to examine any of these.

The 0.20 MapReduce Java API

The 0.20 and above versions of MapReduce API have most of the key classes and interfaces either in the org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce package or its subpackages.

In most cases, the implementation of a MapReduce job will provide job-specific subclasses of the Mapper and Reducer base classes found in this package.


We'll stick to the commonly used K1 / K2 / K3 / and so on terminology, though more recently the Hadoop API has, in places, used terms such as KEYIN/VALUEIN and KEYOUT/VALUEOUT instead. For now, we will stick with K1 / K2 / K3 as it helps understand the end-to-end data flow.

The Mapper class

This is a cut-down view of the base Mapper class provided by Hadoop. For our own mapper implementations, we will subclass this base class and override the specified method as follows:

class Mapper<K1, V1, K2, V2>
      void map(K1 key, V1 value Mapper.Context context) 
            throws IOException, InterruptedException 

Although the use of Java generics can make this look a little opaque at first, there is actually not that much going on. The class is defined in terms of the key/value input and output types, and then the map method takes an input key/value pair in its parameters. The other parameter is an instance of the Context class that provides various mechanisms to communicate with the Hadoop framework, one of which is to output the results of a map or reduce method.


Notice that the map method only refers to a single instance of K1 and V1 key/value pairs. This is a critical aspect of the MapReduce paradigm in which you write classes that process single records and the framework is responsible for all the work required to turn an enormous data set into a stream of key/value pairs. You will never have to write map or reduce classes that try to deal with the full data set. Hadoop also provides mechanisms through its InputFormat and OutputFormat classes that provide implementations of common file formats and likewise remove the need of having to write file parsers for any but custom file types.

There are three additional methods that sometimes may be required to be overridden.

protected void setup( Mapper.Context context) 
      throws IOException, Interrupted Exception

This method is called once before any key/value pairs are presented to the map method. The default implementation does nothing.

protected void cleanup( Mapper.Context context) 
      throws IOException, Interrupted Exception

This method is called once after all key/value pairs have been presented to the map method. The default implementation does nothing.

protected void run( Mapper.Context context) 
      throws IOException, Interrupted Exception

This method controls the overall flow of task processing within a JVM. The default implementation calls the setup method once before repeatedly calling the map method for each key/value pair in the split, and then finally calls the cleanup method.


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The Reducer class

The Reducer base class works very similarly to the Mapper class, and usually requires only subclasses to override a single reduce method. Here is the cut-down class definition:

public class Reducer<K2, V2, K3, V3>
void reduce(K1 key, Iterable<V2> values, 
      Reducer.Context context) 
        throws IOException, InterruptedException

Again, notice the class definition in terms of the broader data flow (the reduce method accepts K2/V2 as input and provides K3/V3 as output) while the actual reduce method takes only a single key and its associated list of values. The Context object is again the mechanism to output the result of the method.

This class also has the setup, run, and cleanup methods with similar default implementations as with the Mapper class that can optionally be overridden:

protected void setup( Reduce.Context context) 
throws IOException, InterruptedException

This method is called once before any key/lists of values are presented to the reduce method. The default implementation does nothing.

protected void cleanup( Reducer.Context context) 
throws IOException, InterruptedException

This method is called once after all key/lists of values have been presented to the reduce method. The default implementation does nothing.

protected void run( Reducer.Context context) 
throws IOException, InterruptedException

This method controls the overall flow of processing the task within JVM. The default implementation calls the setup method before repeatedly calling the reduce method for as many key/values provided to the Reducer class, and then finally calls the cleanup method.

The Driver class

Although our mapper and reducer implementations are all we need to perform the MapReduce job, there is one more piece of code required: the driver that communicates with the Hadoop framework and specifies the configuration elements needed to run a MapReduce job. This involves aspects such as telling Hadoop which Mapper and Reducer classes to use, where to find the input data and in what format, and where to place the output data and how to format it. There is an additional variety of other configuration options that can be set and which we will see throughout this book.

There is no default parent Driver class as a subclass; the driver logic usually exists in the main method of the class written to encapsulate a MapReduce job. Take a look at the following code snippet as an example driver. Don't worry about how each line works, though you should be able to work out generally what each is doing:

public class ExampleDriver
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
// Create a Configuration object that is used to set other options
    Configuration conf = new Configuration() ;
// Create the object representing the job
Job job = new Job(conf, "ExampleJob") ;
// Set the name of the main class in the job jarfile
    job.setJarByClass(ExampleDriver.class) ;
// Set the mapper class
    job.setMapperClass(ExampleMapper.class) ;
// Set the reducer class
    job.setReducerClass(ExampleReducer.class) ;
// Set the types for the final output key and value
    job.setOutputKeyClass(Text.class) ; 
    job.setOutputValueClass(IntWritable.class) ; 
// Set input and output file paths
FileInputFormat.addInputPath(job, new Path(args[0])) ;
FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, new Path(args[1])) 
// Execute the job and wait for it to complete
 System.exit(job.waitForCompletion(true) ? 0 : 1);

Given our previous talk of jobs, it is not surprising that much of the setup involves operations on a Job object. This includes setting the job name and specifying which classes are to be used for the mapper and reducer implementations.

Certain input/output configurations are set and, finally, the arguments passed to the main method are used to specify the input and output locations for the job. This is a very common model that you will see often.

There are a number of default values for configuration options, and we are implicitly using some of them in the preceding class. Most notably, we don't say anything about the file format of the input files or how the output files are to be written. These are defined through the InputFormat and OutputFormat classes mentioned earlier; we will explore them in detail later. The default input and output formats are text files that suit our WordCount example. There are multiple ways of expressing the format within text files in addition to particularly optimized binary formats.

A common model for less complex MapReduce jobs is to have the Mapper and Reducer classes as inner classes within the driver. This allows everything to be kept in a single file, which simplifies the code distribution.