What you need for this book
Let's establish as a basic requirement associated with this book the following hardware:
- A consumer digital camera (or a nice smartphone or tablet) that captures videos and photos with 2 megapixels or more
- A webcam with a minimum of 640 x 480 pixels video and photo resolution
- A headset (better than just a microphone because if you have the computer speakers on, there is the risk of feedback)
- A computer with an Internet connection (of course)
It is also assumed that the computer that will be used to perform the tasks presented in the book has a Microsoft (XP or 7), Mac, or GNU/Linux operating system and some minimum requirements, such as more than 1 GB of memory (ideally more than 2 GB), at least one USB port, headphones, a microphone, the respective ports for these, and enough free disk space to install and use the applications suggested in this book (10 GB should be enough).
For the rest of the requirements, free software will do the trick. The required software are:
- Moodle 2.5 (well, can't run away from it)
- A web browser for all the web applications we will be using (for example, Stripgenerator, SlideShare, Animoto, Grooveshark, Voki, PodOmatic, YouTube, KeepVid, Google Hangouts, Google Drive, Floorplanner, Mindomo, Tiki-Toki, Google Maps Engine, Prezi, and Google+ Hangouts on Air)
- GIMP 2.8.4
- Jing 2.6
- VLC 2.0.6
- Audacity 2.0.3
- Microsoft PowerPoint or similar
- Windows Movie Maker 2012
- JellyCam
- Hot Potatoes 6
- JClic