Chapter 3. JSF Scopes – Lifespan and Use in Managed Beans Communication
If programming is an art, then working correctly with scopes is a part of it!
This affirmation is generally true, not just in JSF. Should I use the session scope now, or the request scope? Do I have too many session beans? Can I inject this scope into that scope? Is this session object too big? How many times have you asked yourself these kinds of questions? I know ... many times! Maybe in this chapter you will find answers to some of these questions and you will fortify your knowledge about working with JSF scopes.
We have a lot to accomplish; therefore, let's have a short overview of what you will see in this chapter:
- JSF scopes versus CDI scopes
- Request scope, session scope, view scope, application scope, conversation scope, flow scope, none scope, dependent scope, and custom scope
- Beans injection