SQL Server 2014 Development Essentials


First and foremost, I would like to praise and thank Allah SWT, the compassionate, the almighty, the most merciful, who has granted me countless blessings, knowledge, and opportunities. Without the will of Allah SWT, none of this would be possible.

I would like to thank my parents for getting me started on my journey, giving me the opportunity for a great education, allowing me to realize my own potential, and giving me the freedom to choose my career path. Thanks Dad (Masood Ahmad Nisar) and Mom (Saeeda Perveen); you both have always supported me and encouraged me in everything I have ever done. You both have worked extremely hard all your life to give me the life I wanted.

I would like to thank my caring, loving, and supportive wife, Aniqa, for all the encouragement and support. Despite the long days, sleepless nights, and long and exhausting marathons of writing, a few words of love and encouragement from you always successfully wipe away all my fatigue. Thank you for supporting me, coping with my hectic work schedule, and taking care of our kids and household activities, and giving me time so that I can pursue and concentrate on this book-writing project. I would also like to thank my two sons, Saifaan and Rayyan, and would like to dedicate this book to them because they always make me smile and understood on those weekend mornings when I was writing this book instead of playing with them. I hope someday you both will read my book and understand why I spent so much time in front of my laptop.

I would also like to thank Packt Publishing for giving me the opportunity to write this book. Last but not least, I would like to thank Neha Nagwekar, the Acquisition Editor; Neil Alexander, the Content Development Editor; Pankaj Kadam, the Technical Editor; and all the technical reviewers, for their help, advice, and constructive comments, because without their feedback this book would not have been possible.