About the Reviewers
Devangana is a consultant and application developer at ThoughtWorks Inc., working on a range of exciting projects, primarily in the data analytics domain. She has over 4 years of experience in data analytics, social network analysis, machine learning, and information retrieval. She is also the founder of Women Who Code, Bengaluru. She holds a Master's degree in Theoretical Computer Science with specialization in Social Networks Analysis from PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore. In her spare time, she loves cooking and reading books, mostly in the History, Economics, and Social Sciences genres.
Vibhav Kamath holds a Master's degree in Industrial Engineering and Operations Research from Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, and a Bachelor's degree in Electronics Engineering from College of Engineering, Pune. During his post graduation, he was intrigued with algorithms and mathematical modeling and has been involved in analytics since then. He is currently based out of Bangalore and works for an IT services firm. As a part of his job, he has developed statistical/mathematical models based on techniques such as optimization and linear regression using the R programming language. In the past, he has also handled data visualization and dashboarding for a leading global bank using platforms such as SAS, SQL, and Excel/VBA.
In the past, he has also worked in areas such as discrete event simulation and speech processing (both on MATLAB) as part of his academics. He likes building hobby projects in Python—one such project involves him working as a stock screener for the Indian stock market. He has also worked in the field of robotics in the past and built an autonomous robot called micromouse, which navigates through a maze. Apart from analytics and programming, Vibhav takes interest in reading and likes both fiction and nonfiction books. He plays table tennis in his free time, follows cricket and tennis, and likes solving puzzles (Sudoku, Kakuro) when really bored. You can get in touch with him through e-mail at <vibhav.kamath@hotmail.com>
and on LinkedIn at in.linkedin.com/in/vibhavkamath).
Kent Russell works in finance as a portfolio manager in Birmingham, Alabama, and codes in R.
Joshua F. Wiley is a health researcher and senior analyst at Elkhart Group Ltd. As an analyst and statistical consultant, Joshua focuses on biostatistics and is interested in reproducible research and graphical displays of data and statistical models. Through his work at Elkhart Group Ltd., he has supported a wide array of clients, ranging from graduate students to experienced researchers and biotechnology companies.