What this book covers
Chapter 1, Getting Started, will introduce you to the history of animations in web development and explain why the AngularJS animation module is so important. Then, you will get started on the modern web standards of animation, introducing you to when to use each of them.
Chapter 2, Understanding CSS3 Transitions and Animations, will teach you how to create animations using CSS transitions, CSS animations, and how to animate using the CSS transform, giving us a good base to start using animations with the AngularJS framework in the next chapter.
Chapter 3, Creating Our First Animation in AngularJS, will walk you through setting up an AngularJS application using the ngAnimate module. Then, we will create basic animations using CSS transitions and an animation keyframe integrated with AngularJS native directives. This chapter will introduce the AngularJS directives that support animation events.
Chapter 4, JavaScript Animations in AngularJS, will tell you how to create animations using JavaScript and create animations with jQuery integrated with AngularJS native directives. You will learn how to create animations using CSS and JavaScript as a fallback when the browser does not support CSS animations.
Chapter 5, Custom Directives and the $animate Service, will teach you how to use CSS animations together with custom directives by giving you an overview of what happens in the life cycle of an AngularJS animation inside the $animate service. Then, it will teach you how to create animations in custom directives using only JavaScript.
Chapter 6, Animations for Mobile Devices, will help you apply animations to enhance usability on smartphones and small devices and introduces the Google material design, a guideline for mobile development.
Chapter 7, Staggering Animations, will teach you how to create animations that appear in a consistent sequence, which are usually difficult to create without the ngAnimate module, and can improve user experience. This chapter will teach you the rules to be followed and how to apply these animations in native and custom directives.
Chapter 8, Animations Performance Optimization, will provide you with an introduction to animation performance diagnostics and solutions by teaching you how to find performance bottlenecks using Chrome DevTools. Then, it will teach you about rendering layers and animations that you should avoid or are that replaced by others.