What this book covers
Chapter 1, JavaScript and the Web, provides a broad overview of the role of JavaScript in the Web. You will learn that JavaScript, besides giving behavior to web pages, can do a lot more today. JavaScript is now not only used on the client side, but also on the server side. JavaScript is almost the de facto standard way to create delightful experiences on the Web.
Chapter 2, Secure Ajax RESTful APIs, touches upon using JavaScript in tandem with RESTful APIs. We will learn how to make basic GET and POST calls to an endpoint. Subsequently, we will learn how to make malicious requests. From this chapter, we will learn more about some specific topics.
Chapter 3, Cross-site Scripting, explains what cross-site scripting is and helps you understand how such issues can occur. Most importantly, you will also learn how to minimize such risks.
Chapter 4, Cross-site Request Forgery, explains what cross-site forgery is and helps you understand how such issues can occur. Most importantly, you will also learn how to minimize such risks.
Chapter 5, Misplaced Trust in the Client, discusses a broad topic that can take place in many forms. In general, misplaced trust in the client takes place when the author's JavaScript code doesn't work as intended due to malicious actions by an adversary.
Chapter 6, JavaScript Phishing, explores the different ways in which JavaScript can be used to achieve a malicious end. JavaScript phishing is usually associated with online identity theft and privacy intrusion.