About the Reviewers
Austin Hughes is a software engineer with an interest in microcontrollers, embedded systems, and robotics.
Alan Plotko is a technology enthusiast with experience in developing across the full stack. He was first exposed to programming at the age of 9 when he discovered the view source code option in his browser. Coding then quickly turned into a hobby; this led to his studying computer science at the university level. Alan loves developing applications for the Web and always makes time to attend hackathons, which are typically weekend-long programming competitions where participants build projects from scratch to benefit the community. Alan's experience extends to Python development, various database technologies, including NoSQL, and frameworks for rapid application development. When he's not writing code, Alan spends his time writing stories; he is an avid writer, having previously self-published a fantasy novel.
Jason Wright is a hardware engineer in Intel's New Devices Group, where he works on projects in the area of low-power embedded and wearable computing. Previously, he worked on Galileo-based urban sensing devices within Intel Labs Europe. Jason received his BS and MEng degrees in electrical and computer engineering from Cornell University in 2012 and 2013.