This is the Salt book I have been wanting to see for a long time. As the creator of Salt, I feel that many people don't know about the advanced and powerful capabilities of the Salt platform. Diving into the parts of Salt less trodden is where the truly amazing value of Salt comes into play. The more powerful aspects of Salt, such as how to use the Reactor for dynamic intelligent management, how to use salt-ssh to manage a wide variety of situations, and how to take Salt to the next level, are revealed in this book in an easy-to-understand way. I hope that this book will be a great help in bringing the great power of Salt to more people.
Joseph Hall is likely the best person to write this book. He is not only a close friend, but has also been involved with the Salt project from the very beginning, including the early design of the Salt States system. Joseph is the second person to write code for Salt (apart from me). He was the first engineer hired by SaltStack.
Thomas S. Hatch
Founder and CTO, SaltStack