Cross-platform UI Development with Xamarin.Forms


This book could not have been written without my wife, Becki. She took up the slack when I needed to work and did not complain when, instead of sunning myself in Turkey on holiday, I was tapping away on the laptop to ensure that the deadlines were met. Her patience, love, companionship, and poking are the reasons why this is done. Thanks, baby.

I also owe a fair amount of thanks to my son, Richard. He knows just when to make me a drink and when to leave me to get on with things. He also enjoyed testing code for me on his phone.

William Harrington helped a fair bit with the creation of the Azure code. It's really not my strong area, and he stepped in to help me out at the very last moment. I should also mention that originally, Andrei was supposed to do this, a part of which he did do. Unfortunately, before I could get to the Azure part, my subscription expired.

The folks over at Stack Overflow and the Xamarin Developers' Facebook group also get an honorable mention. They say in space no, one can hear you scream. Thank goodness for cyberspace where they most certainly can!

I must also thank Ritika, Subho, and Parag at Packt Publishing. They have made writing this book an absolute pleasure with their good humor, sage-like advice, and for generally being there when I had the writer's block. It is my hope that I will work with them on future books for Packt Publishing.

Other mentions:

Unlike the last book, there have been fewer people involved, so there should be fewer to thank. I must thank the chaps over at Xamarin (including Bryan Cistanich and Charles Petzold) for giving me a chance to work with them. I would also like to thank Roger Darlington, Roy Heslop, Scott Sullivan-Reinhart, Jax, Lynn, Anne, Terry, the Xamarin Developers' group, Scott Bradley and the Postmodern Jukebox, who played pretty much nonstop during the second half of writing this book, Jock Graham, Hollie and Jack Harrington, and John King. Last but not least, I would like to thank my graphic artist, Ella Monea, Bonnie Shown, Charlene Bibby, and John Cartmell.

Here's to the next book, folks!