Unreal Engine Physics Essentials

What this book covers

Chapter 1, Math and Physics Primer, covers basic concepts in mathematics and physics that will assist your understanding of how the real-world, and Unreal Engine 4, works.

Chapter 2, Physics Asset Tool, discusses how to properly utilize the Physics Asset Tool to create physics assets to use with Skeletal Meshes.

Chapter 3, Collision, invites readers to learn and apply collisions to physics assets in order to experiment with physics simulations.

Chapter 4, Constraints, discusses how to implement constraints onto actors and blueprints using the Physics Asset Tool.

Chapter 5, Physics Damping, Friction, and Physics Bodies, defines physics damping, friction, and physics bodies in the context of Unreal Engine 4.

Chapter 6, Materials, discusses physical materials and how to utilize them to create a realistic game world.

Chapter 7, Creating a Vehicle Blueprint, takes a look at applying the skills learned in the previous chapters to create the physical body and blueprint of a working vehicle.

Chapter 8, Advanced Topics, covers advanced topics and troubleshooting techniques in physics.