Oracle API Management 12c Implementation


First and foremost, I thank my Lord Jesus Christ for being my Savior and giving me the strength to work as hard as I can.

I thank my wife and my daughter for being so patient during all these months of writing this book. It's been quite a long journey. Also, I thank my mom, dad, and brother, who are always there to support me.

I also thank my company S&P Solutions, and especially, Marcos Schejtman, for helping me with the Oracle API Gateway Implementation Overview chapter, without whom it would have been difficult to write.

A special mention to Arturo Viveros, who is my colleague and friend. With him, I've written a lot about technology. He is very enthusiastic and one of my greatest supporters.

Also, I thank Ricardo González for being my business partner for all these years.

I would like to thank Leonardo González because, besides being one my closest teammates, he is a great friend.

I also would like to thank Luis W. He was the one who invited me to work with him. He is one of the most talented persons I have ever met.