About the Reviewer
Fito Toledano Carmona is a relentless learner. He started coding at the age of 12. He quit medicine to start his own software business at 20, following which he successfully sold his business to start a career at Apple Inc. At 21, he's building a whole new project and a YouTube blog to tell his story.
Stay tuned on Twitter @fito_tc
To my family, for giving me the tools to become who I am today.
To my mentor Francisco, who always believed in me.
To Enrique and Jim, who are helping me put a dent on the universe.
To my friends Adrian, Gabriel, Joan and José Ascanio, Jesús Manuel, Gonzalo, Salo, Alex, and Pedro who always stood up for me no matter what.
To Jack Coyne, Casey Neistat, Phil Toronto, Gary Vaynerchuk, Rafael Nadal, and Steve Jobs for inspiring me.