Chapter 1. Developing with Xamarin
This chapter examines the Xamarin framework and architecture on different target platforms and identifies the differences and similarities. It also includes introductory information and tips on preparing the development environment for Xamarin and covers some of the Xamarin development essentials. This chapter is pided into the following sections:
- Cross-platform projects with Xamarin
- Target platforms
- Setting up the development environment
- Emulator options
- A typical Xamarin solution structure
- Quality in cross-development
Cross-platform projects with Xamarin
Developers are enjoying a new era in which development is not restricted to one single application platform but spans across various media such as cellphones, tablets, personal computers, and even wearable devices. The shared code and assets between the development projects improves the elegance and the quality of the work. There is also a direct correlation between the robustness, the effort required for maintaining a multi-platform application, and the reusable modules.
Universal application is a term previously used to identify applications targeting devices running on the iOS operating system (the iPhone and iPad). However, the same term is now used to describe Windows Runtime applications (Windows Store and Windows Phone 8.1 - WinRT) and Android applications for phones and tablets. With the release of Xamarin, a truly universal application concept was born. When considering Xamarin applications, the term, universal, refers to applications that run on all three platforms and adapt to the system resources.
In this universal application context, developers are now finding it difficult to get the necessary solutions for common tasks on all three platforms. Moreover, taking on each platform as a separate development project results in wasted developer hours even though the main driving factors for such an application, namely data, business logic, and UI, are conceptually almost identical on all platforms.
Development strategies and patterns for the Xamarin platform, some of which are described in the rest of this book, try to resolve some of these problems and provide the developers with the tools and strategies necessary to produce cross-platform, manageable, and quality products.
Xamarin as a platform
Xamarin was initially born as a community effort to port the .NET libraries and common language runtime compilers to different operating systems. Initial attempts intended to create a set of binaries to develop, compile, and run applications written in C#, the indigenous language of .NET, on Unix-based platforms. This project, Mono, was later ported to many other operating systems, including iOS (Mono-Touch) and Android (Mono for Android).
The emergence of the Xamarin development platform created a new development niche creating products for three separate platforms at the same time, while allowing users to adapt their existing .NET development skills to these new platforms and produce applications for a wider range of devices and operating systems.
Microsoft has been a strong supporter of Xamarin platform and toolset since the early phases. As you will see in the remainder of the chapter, Xamarin tools were fully integrated into Visual Studio and finally included in the Visual Studio 2015 setup. This partnership lasted until the eventual acquisition of Xamarin by Microsoft which was publicly announced in March 2016.
Xamarin provides compilers for each of the mentioned platforms so that the code written in the .NET framework (-alike) is compiled into native applications. This process provides highly efficient applications that differ greatly from interpreted mobile HTML applications.
As well as native compilation, Xamarin also provides access to strongly typed platform-specific features. These features are used in a robust manner with compile-time binding to the underlying platform. Platform-specific execution can also be extended with native invocations which is possible with the interop libraries.
Xamarin as a product
Xamarin, as a development suite, comes in different flavors. Developers with different sets of knowledge and experience can use these tools to set up their development environment according to their own needs. The Xamarin development environment can be configured on different operating systems. However, it is currently not possible to develop for all three platforms on the same operating system.
For developers who are looking to use the familiar interface of Visual Studio and leverage existing skills, Xamarin extensions for Visual Studio offer a suitable option. Once the extensions are installed, the environment is ready to develop Android and Windows Phone applications. This extension lets the developers take full advantage of Visual Studio, which includes designers for both of these platforms. In order to develop iOS applications, you need to go through the so-called pairing process of Visual Studio with an Apple OS X build machine. The build machine is used in return to visualize storyboards in the development environment (Visual Studio), compile iOS code, and debug applications.
The second option is to use Xamarin Studio. Xamarin Studio is a complete IDE with some of the features you are familiar with from Visual Studio, such as intellisense (smart code completion), code analysis, and code formatting. If you run Xamarin Studio on Apple OS X, you can develop for Android and iOS platforms with this IDE. However, with Xamarin Studio on Windows, you can only target the Android platform.
An important part of this development suite is the real-time monitoring tool called Xamarin Insights. Xamarin Insights lets developers monitor their live applications to help detect and diagnose performance issues and exceptions, and discover how the application is used. Xamarin Insights can also be connected to other applications so, for instance, application errors can be directly pushed into a bug tracking system.