Puppet for Containerization

What this book covers

Chapter 1, Installing Docker with Puppet, covers how to create a development environment with Docker using Puppet. We will look at how to install Vagrant and VirtualBox. Then, we will look at Puppet Forge and how to search for modules and their dependencies. We will briefly touch upon r10k to be our transport mechanism from the Puppet Forge to our environment. Then, we build our environment with Puppet.

Chapter 2, Working with Docker Hub, covers a lot about the Docker Hub ecosystem: what are official images, how automated builds work, and of course, working with images in three different ways.

Chapter 3, Building a Single Container Application, contains our first Puppet module to create a Docker container. In this chapter, we will look at writing rspec-puppet unit tests to make sure that our module does what it's meant to do. We will know how to map our Puppet module dependencies with our metadata.json and fixtures.yml files.

Chapter 4, Building Multicontainer Applications, introduces Docker Compose. We will look at the docker-compose .yaml file construct. We will then take that knowledge and create a Puppet template (.erb file) and wrap that into a module. We will also touch on the Docker Compose functionality that will let us scale containers.

Chapter 5, Configuring Service Discovery and Docker Networking, introduces two very important topics when working with containers. First, we will look at service discovery, what it is, why do we need it, and lastly, the different types of service discovery.

Chapter 6, Multinode Applications, introduces all the skills that you've learned in the book so far. We are really going to step it up a notch. In this chapter, we are going to deploy four servers, and we are going to look at how to Consul cluster. In this chapter, we are going to look at the two ways to network our containers. Firstly, using the stand host IP network, that our Consul cluster will communicate on. We will also install the ELK (Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana) stack.

Chapter 7, Container Schedulers, covers container schedulers such as Docker Swarm and Kubernetes. Then, we will build a dev environment containing four servers, three cluster nodes, and a master. We will also build a Docker network and service discovery framework.

Chapter 8, Logging, Monitoring, and Recovery Techniques, will take the environment that we created in the last chapter and add monitoring, logging, and recovery techniques to it. This will make our applications robust and ready for production.

Chapter 9, Best Practices for the Real World, focuses more on the best practices for deploying Puppet itself within a containerized environment using all the new skills that you learned in the previous chapters. By the end of this journey, readers will be able to master Puppet and Docker and apply them in the real world.