About the Reviewer
Ajeet Singh Raina is a Docker Captain (https://www.docker.com/community/docker-captains) as well as technical lead engineer at Dell India R&D. He has picked up a variety of skills in his career, from having worked as an IT consultant and systems administrator to system integration testing. He received a certification as a VMware Certified Professional (VCP 4.1) while he was a part of the VMQA GOS validation team at VMware and has more than 8 years of industry experience. He is currently working with Enterprise Solution Group at Dell India R&D and has solid understanding of diverse range of topics, such as IT infrastructures, systems management, system integration engineering, and quality assurance.
Ajeet has a great passion for upcoming trends and technologies. He loves contributing toward open source space through writing and blogging at http://www.collabnix.com. He is currently busy evaluating and building up containers and microservices for his organization. Last year, he reviewed PowerCLI Cookbook, Packt Publishing.