What this book covers
Chapter 1, What is Flux?, gives an overview of what Flux is and why it was created.
Chapter 2, Principles of Flux, talks about the core concepts of Flux and the essential knowledge for building a Flux architecture.
Chapter 3, Building a Skeleton Architecture, walks through the steps involved in building a skeleton architecture before implementing application features.
Chapter 4, Creating Actions, shows how action creator functions are used to feed new data into the system while describing something that just happened.
Chapter 5, Asynchronous Actions, goes through examples of asynchronous action creator functions and how they fit within a Flux architecture.
Chapter 6, Changing Flux Store State, gives many detailed explanations and examples that illustrate how Flux stores work.
Chapter 7, Viewing Information, gives many detailed explanations and examples that illustrate how Flux views work.
Chapter 8, Information Lifecycle, talks about how information in a Flux architecture enters the system and how it ultimately exits the system.
Chapter 9, Immutable Stores, shows how immutability is a key architectural property of software architectures, such as Flux, where data flows in one direction.
Chapter 10, Implementing a Dispatcher, walks through the implementation of a dispatcher component, instead of using the Facebook reference implementation.
Chapter 11, Alternative View Components, shows how view technologies other than React can be used within a Flux architecture.
Chapter 12, Leveraging Flux Libraries, gives an overview of two popular Flux libraries—Alt.js and Redux.
Chapter 13, Testing and Performance, talks about testing components from within the context of a Flux architecture and discusses performance testing your architecture.
Chapter 14, Flux and the Software Development Life Cycle, discusses the impact Flux has on the rest of the software stack and how to package Flux features.