Flux is a set of patterns
We should probably get the harsh reality out of the way first—Flux is not a software package. It's a set of architectural patterns for us to follow. While this might sound disappointing to some, don't despair—there's good reasons for not implementing yet another framework. Throughout the course of this book, we'll see the value of Flux existing as a set of patterns instead of a de facto implementation. For now, we'll go over some of the high-level architectural patterns put in place by Flux.
Data entry points
With traditional approaches to building frontend architectures, we don't put much thought into how data enters the system. We might entertain the idea of data entry points, but not in any detail. For example, with MVC (Model View Controller) architectures, the controller is supposed control the flow of data. And for the most part, it does exactly that. On the other hand, the controller is really just about controlling what happens after it already has the data. How does the controller get data in the first place? Consider the following illustration:

At first glance, there's nothing wrong with this picture. The data-flow, represented by the arrows, is easy to follow. But where does the data originate? For example, the view can create new data and pass it to the controller, in response to a user event. A controller can create new data and pass it to another controller, depending on the composition of our controller hierarchy. What about the controller in question—can it create data itself and then use it?
In a diagram such as this one, these questions don't have much virtue. But, if we're trying to scale an architecture to have hundreds of these components, the points at which data enters the system become very important. Since Flux is used to build architectures that scale, it considers data entry points an important architectural pattern.
Managing state
State is one of those realities we need to cope with in frontend development. Unfortunately, we can't compose our entire application of pure functions with no side-effects for two reasons. First, our code needs to interact with the DOM interface, in one way or another. This is how the user sees changes in the UI. Second, we don't store all our application data in the DOM (at least we shouldn't do this). As time passes and the user interacts with the application, this data will change.
There's no cut-and-dry approach to managing state in a web application, but there are several ways to limit the amount of state changes that can happen, and enforce how they happen. For example, pure functions don't change the state of anything, they can only create new data. Here's an example of what this looks like:

As you can see, there's no side-effects with pure functions because no data changes state as a result of calling them. So why is this a desirable trait, if state changes are inevitable? The idea is to enforce where state changes happen. For example, perhaps we only allow certain types of components to change the state of our application data. This way, we can rule out several sources as the cause of a state change.
Flux is big on controlling where state changes happen. Later on in the chapter, we'll see how Flux stores manage state changes. What's important about how Flux manages state is that it's handled at an architectural layer. Contrast this with an approach that lays out a set of rules that say which component types are allowed to mutate application data—things get confusing. With Flux, there's less room for guessing where state changes take place.
Keeping updates synchronous
Complimentary to data entry points is the notion of update synchronicity. That is, in addition to managing where the state changes originate from, we have to manage the ordering of these changes relative to other things. If the data entry points are the what of our data, then synchronously applying state changes across all the data in our system is the when.
Let's think about why this matters for a moment. In a system where data is updated asynchronously, we have to account for race conditions. Race conditions can be problematic because one piece of data can depend on another, and if they're updated in the wrong order, we see cascading problems, from one component to another. Take a look at this diagram, which illustrates this problem:

When something is asynchronous, we have no control over when that something changes state. So, all we can do is wait for the asynchronous updates to happen, and then go through our data and make sure all of our data dependencies are satisfied. Without tools that automatically handle these dependencies for us, we end up writing a lot of state-checking code.
Flux addresses this problem by ensuring that the updates that take place across our data stores are synchronous. This means that the scenario illustrated in the preceding diagram isn't possible. Here's a better visualization of how Flux handles the data synchronization issues that are typical of JavaScript applications today:

Information architecture
It's easy to forget that we work in information technology and that we should be building technology around information. In recent times, however, we seem to have moved in the other direction, where we're forced to think about implementation before we think about information. More often than not, the data exposed by the sources used by our application doesn't have what the user needs. It's up to our JavaScript to turn this raw data into something consumable by the user. This is our information architecture.
Does this mean that Flux is used to design information architectures as opposed to a software architecture? This isn't the case at all. In fact, Flux components are realized as true software components that perform actual computations. The trick is that Flux patterns enable us to think about information architecture as a first-class design consideration. Rather than having to sift through all sorts of components and their implementation concerns, we can make sure that we're getting the right information to the user.
Once our information architecture takes shape, the larger architecture of our application follows, as a natural extension to the information we're trying to communicate to our users. Producing information from data is the difficult part. We have to distill many sources of data into not only information, but information that's also of value to the user. Getting this wrong is a huge risk for any project. When we get it right, we can then move on to the specific application components, like the state of a button widget, and so on.
Flux architectures keep data transformations confined to their stores. A store is an information factory—raw data goes in and new information comes out. Stores control how data enters the system, the synchronicity of state changes, and they define how the state changes. When we go into more depth on stores as we progress through the book, we'll see how they're the pillars of our information architecture.