I would like to thank all those people who helped me get this book to your hands. A special mention for all the team members at Epic Games for their hard work on Unreal Engine and for the great decision of making the engine for everyone with the source code for free.
I would like to thank all the people at Packt Publishing who worked on this book. They helped me a lot and were patient when I missed the schedule because of my personal obligations. Thanks for helping me and teaching me once again about how to write a book.
I want to express my pleasure of having a lovely wife and wonderful kids in my life. You are my gift. You are a very supportive family, thanks Loly for giving me the best environment to write one more book, and thanks for believing in all my personal projects since you came to my life. You always working too hard for this family! Thanks Joe, Mary, and Oni for being noisy, sweet, and lovely kids all the way. You are a delight to my eyes!!
Yunus, thanks for being the new hope, this book for you…Only for you buddy!
Father and mother, thanks for raising me the way you did and teaching me how to self-learn, it helped me a lot to learn and pass the knowledge to others.
Last but not least, all my friends and the good people I met around the world, you definitely helped me somehow, at least with your trust and belief. Even if you were an online friend, I'm sure I still owe you something…Thank you everyone.
Dear God, thanks for being Muhammad, I like being this person. And thanks for everything I've achieved, please keep those wonderful people around me
Alhamdulillah...It's the last line to write…!