Mastering Unreal Engine 4.X


You went through the process of creating your first HUGE steps. You not only saw how to build a C++ class inside Unreal, but also learned how to apply the C++ knowledge you have to Unreal's version of C++.

You also learned some hints about the Unreal Engine C++ styling code, what Macros are, when to use them, and how to use access specifiers within Unreal.

You not only built your first gameplay element, and the cornerstone of the game, but you also learned about the different components of the Unreal environment, such as Paper2D sprites, Camera, SpringArm, and so on. You got yourself into a lot of Unrealliology!

Creating the C++ class is only half-way to using it. A class without an actor or blueprint in the scene is nothing. You have to learn how to build blueprints and actors based on your class, you have to learn how to communicate between C++ and its blueprint instance, and you have to learn how to modify your blueprints based on C++; you made real progress in mastering this.

While you already know how to define inputs in project settings, this is useless without integrating those inputs inside the game; you have now learned in the course of this chapter how to map inputs by code, and convert them to real logic.

You learned about taking a character mesh and animations, then how to use them together; how to build a fully playable character; how make an animation blueprint; and how to set its rules. You also gained lots of knowledge about blending animations, making blend spaces, adding sockets for skeletons, and much more.

Now, while you have all this in mind, I would suggest you start a project from scratch and try to make almost the whole thing from scratch several times. That way you will be sure you are able to make it alone without turning back to the book. The first time it will appear difficult, so refer to the book again; later, however, you'll be a master it!

Now let's take a rest, and forget about code for a second. The next chapter is all about levels and map design.