About the Reviewers
Werner Dijkerman is a systems engineer from the Netherlands. He has more than 10 years of experience in IT operations departments of different organizations. He started working with a leading online retailer in the Netherlands and continued in one of the leading software companies for general practitioners. He now works for iWelcome, the only established IDaaS provider in Europe.
With experience as a Windows and Linux admin, he also know his way around Java applications servers such as Tomcat and Jboss, (No)SQL databases, and monitoring systems. He started with Nagios in the early days and has even tried other tools such as Cacti, but Zabbix has been his main monitoring tool for several years now, with him finding ways and writing (Python) scripts to monitor everything it can.
He is also the author of the most popular Puppet module for Zabbix, wdijkerman-zabbix
. It can be found at https://forge.puppetlabs.com/wdijkerman/zabbix on Puppet Forge. Besides this Puppet module, he has also created several Ansible roles under his alias dj-wasabi
for four Zabbix components, which can be found on https://galaxy.ansible.com/detail#/role/7626.
Adail Horst is a free software evangelist, Zabbix translator, Zabbix documentation translator, and a lecturer on monitoring in various free software events (such as FISL, Latinoware, and Zabbix Conference). He has authored a book on the tool (De a Zabbix, in Portuguese), created Zabbix-Extras, and has experience in large IT environments monitored by Zabbix.
He is also one of the authors of the book A to Zabbix.
Raymond Kuiper is an IT infrastructure specialist with a strong focus on monitoring, networks, and operations. Raymond started using Zabbix 1.1.3 in 2006, when the company he was working for needed a flexible, integrated solution to monitor infrastructure availability and performance. Over the years, Raymond has become a keen supporter of Zabbix and has implemented monitoring with the tool for various organizations. He also likes to hang out on #zabbix
on the Freenode IRC network to help out other Zabbix users.
Julien Recurt is an engineer who has multiples roles depending on the occasion. In the beginning, he worked for SUPINFO to enhance a complex and multisite infrastructure and reduce global costs. His big break was working with Ceph at Cloud-Solution, a French startup, to provide low-cost, scalable storage. Now, he works at Waycom, an Internet and web services provider, and manages about 1200 servers and virtual machines using Ansible.
I would like to thank everybody that contributes to open source software and also my coworkers who supported me in this job.