I have been helped by several people in my life and those learnings and experiences have made me what I am today I would first like to thank my Mother "Kusum Lata" who herself is the biggest source of inspiration to me she is someone who has loved me the most and laid down the principles of values and rite in me. A big thanks to my father, most gentle man I have ever known "Devki Nandan" for his wonderful guidance and support in my life.
I would also like to thank my two beautiful elder sisters who have loved me taught me the meaning of right and wrong "Preeti Srivastava" & "Jyoti Srivastava" and last but not the least I would like to thank my would be wife and my friend from a long time "Sneha Singh" who has been the best of friend to me for long time she is someone who has motivated me on my rough days and celebrated my victorious moments.
Winners Don't Do different Things they Do Things Differently