Chapter 2. Creating Your First Level
In this chapter, you will create and run a simple level with the help of step-by-step instructions. Since the objective of this book is to equip you with the skills to confidently create your own game using Unreal Engine 4 and not to simply follow a list of steps to create a fixed example, I will provide as much additional information as possible that you could use to create your own game level as we go about learning the basic techniques.
In this chapter, we will cover the following topics:
- How to control views and viewports
- How to move, scale, and rotate objects in a level
- How to use the BSP Box brush to create the ground and a wall using the Additive mode
- How to carve a hole in a wall using the Subtractive mode of the BSP Box brush
- How to add a simple Directional Light to a level to mimic sunlight
- How to spawn a player who's facing the right direction on a map using Player Start
- How to create the sky in your map using atmospheric fog
- How to save the map you've created and set it as the default load up map for a project
- How to add a material to the geometries you've created so that it looks realistic
- How to duplicate BSP Brushes to help create things quickly
- How to add props (which are also known as static meshes) to a room
- How to concentrate light on important parts of a map using Lightmass Importance Volume
Exploring preconfigured levels
Before we create a level, it is good to have an idea of what levels look like in Unreal Engine 4. Unreal Engine 4 offers the possibility to load up various types of game levels with a default playable level that's straight from the Project Browser menu option (this pops up immediately after launching the Unreal Editor). Personally, I really like this particular new feature of Unreal Engine 4 as it gives me a quick feel of the types of presets that are available, and I could easily select something as a base for the game level I want to create.
We will create a new map using one of the preset project types as the base for our first level.
How to quickly explore different project types
I normally click on the Play button on the toolbar after a project loads with the default level. The play function allows you to be in a game and you can see what has been precreated for you in the level.
Creating a new project
In this chapter, we will use the Blueprint First Person template to create our first game project.
The steps to create a new Blueprint First Person Project are as follows:
- Launch Unreal Engine 4.
- Select the New Project tab.
- Select Blueprint and then First Person.
- Choose a name and path for the project (or leave it as the default
). - Click on Create Project.
Ensure that the With Starter Content option is selected.
On creation of the project, the default example level for Blueprint First Person will load. The following screenshot shows how the default level looks:

Using the preset project type with the example level, the first thing you'll probably want to do is run the level and see what the default game level contains.
Navigating the viewport
Using the loaded example level, you should get yourself familiarized with the mouse and keyboard controls in order to navigate in the viewport. You might consider bookmarking this section until you can navigate the viewport to zoom in/out or view any object from all angles easily.
Here is some quick information on the different views in 3D modeling creation: the example map is loaded by default in the Perspective view. Other than having the map in the Perspective view, you can change what you see in the viewport in the top, side, or front views, respectively. The option to switch to any of these is in the left-hand corner of the viewport. The following screenshot shows the location of the button to press so that you can switch views:

If you wish to see more than one view concurrently, navigate to Windows | Viewports and then select any of the viewports (The default viewport uses Viewport 1.).
The selected viewport number will pop up. You can drag and dock this Viewport window and add it to the default Viewport 1. The following screenshot shows Viewport 1 and Viewport 2 displayed at the same time (one in the Perspective view and the other in the Top view):

Control keys
Here are some of the key presses to help you move around and view objects:
In the Perspective view:

In the Orthographic (Top, Front, and Side) view:

For those of you who are familiar with games, you can use WASD to navigate the camera in the editor too.
WASD control in the Perspective view:

On selection of an object:

Creating a level from a new blank map
Now that you are familiar with the controls, you are ready to create a map on your own. In this chapter, we will go through how to build a basic room from scratch. To create a new map for your first person game, go to File | New Level…. The following screenshot shows you how to create a new level:

There are two options when creating a new level: Default and Empty Level. Select Empty Level to create a completely blank map. The following screenshot shows you the options that are available when creating a new level:

Do not be surprised when the viewport is void. We will add objects to the level in the next few sections. The following screenshot shows what an empty level looks like in the Perspective view:

Creating the ground using the BSP Box brush
The BSP Box brush can be used to create rectangular objects in the map. The first thing to do when creating a level is to have a ground to stand on.
Before we begin with this, make sure the viewport is in the Perspective view. We will mainly use this view for most of the level creation unless specified explicitly.
Go to the Modes window, click on BSP and then click and drag Box into the viewport. This is where you can find the Box brush:

Here, a Box brush has been successfully added to the viewport:

You have now successfully created your first object in the level. We will go on to change the size of this box to a suitable size so that it can act as the ground for the level.
Select the box that was just created, and go to Details | Brush Settings. Fill in the following values for X, Y, and Z. The following screenshot shows the values that need to be set:

When you have set the values correctly, the box should look like this:

Useful tip – selecting an object easily
To help you select objects in the level more easily, you can go to World Outliner (its default location is in the top right-hand corner of the editor), and you will see a full list of all the objects in the level. Click on the name of an object to select it and its details will also be displayed. This is a very useful way to help you select objects when you have many objects in the level. The following screenshot shows how World Outliner can be used to select the Box brush (which we've just created) in the level:

Useful tip – changing View Mode to aid visuals
If you have difficulties seeing the box, you can change View Mode to Unlit (the button is in the viewport that's next to the Perspective button). The following screenshot shows you how to change View Mode to Unlit:

Adding light to a level
To help us see the level better, it is time to learn how to illuminate the level. To mimic ambient light from the sun, we will use Directional Light for the level.
In the same way as adding a BSP Box brush, we will go to Modes Window | Lights | Directional Light. Click and drag Directional Light into the Viewport window. The following screenshot zooms in on the Modes window, showing that the Directional Light item can be created by dragging it into the viewport:

For now, let's place the light just slightly above the BSP Box brush as shown in the following screenshot:

Useful tip – positioning objects in a level
To position an object in a level, we use the Transform tool to move objects in the x, y, and z directions. Select the object and press the W key to display the Transform tool. Three arrows will appear to extrude from the object. Click and hold the red arrow to move the object along the x axis, the green arrow to move it along the y axis, and the blue arrow to it move along the z axis.
To help you position the objects more accurately, you can also switch to the Top view when moving objects in the x and y directions, the Side view for adjustments in the y and z directions, and the Front view to adjust the x and z directions.
For those of you who want precise position control, you can use Details. Select the object to display details. Go to Transform | Location. You can select Relative or World position by clicking on the arrow next to Location. Change the X, Y, and Z values to move the object with more precision.
Adding the sky to a level
After the addition of light to the level, we will proceed to add the sky to the level. Click on Modes | Visual | Atmospheric Fog. In a similar way to adding light and adding a Box BSP, click, hold, and drag this into the viewport. We are almost ready to take a first look at what we have just created. Hang in there.

Adding Player Start
For every game, you need to set where the player will spawn. Go to Modes | Basic | Player Start. Click, hold, and drag Player Start into the viewport.
This screenshot shows the Modes window with Player Start:

Place Player Start in the center of the ground or slightly above it as shown in the following screenshot:

Deselect Player Start
by pressing the Esc key. The light blue arrow from Player Start
indicates the direction in which the player will spawn the game starts. To adjust the direction that the player faces upon spawning, rotate Player Start
until the light blue arrow points in this direction. Take a look at the following tip on how to rotate an object.
Useful tip – rotating objects in a level
To rotate an object in a level, we use the Rotate tool to rotate objects around the x (row), y (pitch), and z (yaw) directions. Select the object and press the E key to display the Rotate tool. Three lines with a box tip will appear to extrude from the object. Click and hold the red arrow to rotate the object around the x axis, the green arrow to rotate it around the y axis, and the blue arrow to rotate it around the z axis.
Another way to rotate an object more accurately is by controlling its rotation through the actual rotation values found under Details. (Select the object to be rotated to display its details). In the Transform tab, go to Rotation, and set the X, Y, and Z values to rotate the object. There is an arrow next to Rotation that you can click on to select if you want to adjust the rotation values for Relative or World. When you select to rotate an object using the Relative setting, the object will rotate relative to its current position. When the object is rotated using the World setting, it will be relative to the world's position.
If you want the player controller (as shown in the preceding screenshot) to have the light blue arrow facing inwards and away from you, you will need to rotate the player controller 180 degrees around the y axis. Enter Y as 180
under the Relative setting. The player controller will be rotated in the manner shown in this screenshot:

Viewing a level that's been created
We are now ready to view the simple level that we have just created.
Before viewing the level, click on the Build button, as shown in the following screenshot, to build the light, materials, and so on, needed for this level. This step ensures that light is properly rendered in the level.

After building the level, click on the Play button, as shown in this screenshot, to view the level:

The following screenshot shows how the level looks. Move the mouse up, down, left, and right to see the level. Use W, A, S, and D to move the character around the level. To return to the editor, press ESC.

Saving a level
Navigate to File | Save As… and give the map you have just created a name. In our example here, I have saved it as Chapter2Level
in the …/UnrealProjects/MyProject/Content/Maps
path, where MyProject
is the name of the project.
Configuring a map as a start level
After saving your new map, you may want to also set this project to load this map as the default map. You can have several maps linked to this project and load them at specific points in the game. For now, we want to replace the current Example_Map
with the newly created map that we have. To do so, go to Edit | Project Settings. This opens up a page with configurable values for the project. Go to Game | Maps & Modes. Refer to the following screenshot to take a look at how Maps & Modes is selected.
Look under Default Maps and change both Game Default Map and Editor Default Map in the map that you have just saved. In my case, it will be Chapter2Level
. Then, close the project settings. When you start the editor and run the game the next time, your new map will be loaded by default.

Adding material to the ground
Now that we have created the ground, let us make the ground look more realistic by applying a material to it.
Go to Content Browser | Content | StarterContent | Materials. Type wood
into the Filters box. The following screenshot shows the walnut polished material that we want to use for the ground's material:

Click, hold, and drag M_Wood_Floor_Walnut_Polished into the viewport area and drop it on the top surface of the ground. The resulting effect should look like this:

Adding a wall
Now we are ready to add walls to prevent the player from falling off the map. To create walls, we will use the same BSP Box brush to create a wall. As we have just added a material in the previous step, you will need to clear this material selection by clicking on anything in Content Browser. This will prevent new geometries from being created using the same material.
Similar to creating the ground, go to Modes | BSP | Box. Click, hold, and drag into the viewport. Set the dimensions of the BSP box as X = 30, Y = 620, and Z = 280. To help us view and position the wall, use the controls to rotate the viewport. You can also use the different views to help position the wall onto the ground. Here, you can see how the wall should be positioned (note that I have panned the camera to view the level from a different angle):

Duplicating a wall
Now duplicate the wall by first selecting the wall created in the earlier step. Make sure the Transform tool is displayed (if not, press W once when object is selected).
Click and hold one of the axes (the x axis, in the preceding example case) while holding down Alt + Shift as you drag the current wall in the x direction. You would notice that there is another copy of the wall moving in this direction. Release the keys when the wall is in the right position. Use normal translation controls to position the wall as shown here:

Creating an opening for a door
The room is now almost complete. We will learn how to carve into a BSP Box brush to create an opening for a door.
Drag a new BSP Box brush into the map: X = 370, Y = 30, and Z = 280. Position this wall to seal one side of the room as shown in the following screenshot:

Till now, we have been using the Additive mode (add the radio button that is selected) to create a BSP Box brush. To create an opening in the wall, we will create another BSP Box brush using the Subtractive mode. Ensure that you have selected it as shown in the following screenshot. Drag and drop the BSP Box brush in the same manner as before into the viewport. As for the dimensions of this brush, we will approximate it to the size of the door, where X = 115, Y = 30, and Z = 212.

When the Subtractive BSP Box brush is positioned correctly, it will look something like this:

To help you position the Subtractive BSP Box brush, you can switch to the Front view to place the door more or less in the center. The following screenshot shows the Front view with the Subtractive BSP Box brush selected:

Adding materials to the walls
To make the ground look more realistic, we will apply a material to it. Go to Content Browser | Content | StarterContent | Materials. Type Wall
into the Filters box. Select M_Basic_Wall and drag it onto the surface of the wall with the door. Then, we will use a different material. Type Brick
into the Filters box. Select M_Brick_Clay_New to apply to the inner surface of the two other walls.
Here, you can take a look at how the level looks in the Unlit mode after applying the materials mentioned previously:

Build the light before running the level again to see how the level looks now.
Sealing a room
For now, let's duplicate the wall with the door to seal the room. Click on the wall, hold down Alt + Shift, and drag it across to the other side of the room. The following screenshot shows how it looks when the room is sealed:

Adding props or a static mesh to the room
Let's now add some objects to the empty room. Go to Content Browser | Content | StarterContent | Props. Find SM_Lamp_Ceiling and drag it into the room.

As we want to use a ceiling lamp prop as a floor lamp, you will need to rotate the lamp by rotating it about the x axis by 180 degrees. Set X = 180 degrees using the Relative mode. The following screenshot shows the rotated lamp positioned at one end of the room. Note that I have built the light and changed the view mode to the Lit mode. Feel free to position the lamp anywhere to see how it looks.

Adding Lightmass Importance Volume
Since our room only takes up a small portion of the map, we can concentrate light on a small region by adding an item known as Lightmass Importance Volume to the map. The bounded box of the Lightmass Importance Volume tells the engine where light is needed in the map so it should encompass the entire area of the map that has objects. Drag and drop Lightmass Importance Volume into the map. Here, you can see where to find the Lightmass Importance Volume:

By default, the wireframe box that's been dropped (which is the Lightmass Importance Volume) is a cube. You will need to scale it to fit your room. With the Lightmass Importance Volume selected, press R to display the Scale tool. Use the x, y, and z axes to adjust the size of the box till it fits the level. The following screenshot shows the scaling of the box using the Scale tool:

After scaling and translating the box to fit the level, the Lightmass Importance Volume should look something like what is shown in the following screenshot, where the wireframe box is large enough to fit the room inside it. The size of the wireframe for the Lightmass Importance Volume can be larger than the map.

Applying finishing touches to a room
Our room is almost complete. You would have noticed that the door now is just a hole in the wall. To make it look like a door, we need to add a door frame and a door as follows:
- Go to Content Browser | Content | StarterContent | Props.
- Click and drop SM_DoorFrame into the viewport.
- Adjust it to fit in the wall.
When done, it should look like what is shown in the following screenshot.
I've used different views, such as top, side, and front, to adjust the frame nicely to fit the door. You can adjust Snap Sizes for some fine-tuning.

Useful tip – using the drag snap grid
To help you move objects into position more accurately, you can make use of the snap grid button at the top of the viewport as shown in the following screenshot. Turning the drag snap grid on allows you to translate objects according to the grid size you select. Click on the mesh-like symbol to toggle snap grid on/off. The numbers displayed on the right are the minimum grid sizes by which an object will move when translated.

I have also noticed that a portion of the floor is not textured yet. Use the same wood texture as you did previously to make sure that the ground is fully textured using M_Wood_Floor_Walnut_Polished.
Then, click and drag SM_Door into the viewport. Rotate the door and fit it into the door frame in the same manner as shown previously. Here, you can see how the door is in place:

We have learned how to navigate the viewport and set up/save a new map in a new project. We also created our first room with a door using the BSP Box brush, added materials to texture walls and floors, and learned to place static objects to enhance the look of the room. Although it is still kind of empty right now, we will continue to work on it in the next few chapters and expand on this map. In the next chapter, we will spice up the level by adding some objects that we can interact with.