Learning DevOps:Continuously Deliver Better Software

Chapter 4. Everything is Code

Everything is code, and you need somewhere to store it. The organization's source code management system is that place.

Developers and operations personnel share the same central storage for their different types of code.

There are many ways of hosting the central code repository:

  • You can use a software as a service solution, such as GitHub, Bitbucket, or GitLab. This can be cost-effective and provide good availability.
  • You can use a cloud provider, such as AWS or Rackspace, to host your repositories.

Some types of organization simply can't let their code leave the building. For them, a private in-house setup is the best choice.

In this chapter, we will explore different options, such as Git, and web-based frontends to Git, such as Gerrit and GitLab.

This exploration will serve to help you find a Git hosting solution that covers your organization's needs.

In this chapter, we will start to experience one of the challenges in the field of DevOps—there are so many solutions to choose from and explore! This is particularly true for the world of source code management, which is central to the DevOps world.

Therefore, we will also introduce the software virtualization tool Docker from a user's perspective so that we can use the tool in our exploration.

The need for source code control

Terence McKenna, an American author, once said that everything is code.

While one might not agree with McKenna about whether everything in the universe can be represented as code, for DevOps purposes, indeed nearly everything can be expressed in codified form, including the following:

  • The applications that we build
  • The infrastructure that hosts our applications
  • The documentation that documents our products

Even the hardware that runs our applications can be expressed in the form of software.

Given the importance of code, it is only natural that the location that we place code, the source code repository, is central to our organization. Nearly everything we produce travels through the code repository at some point in its life cycle.

The history of source code management

In order to understand the central need for source code control, it can be illuminating to have a brief look at the development history of source code management. This gives us an insight into the features that we ourselves might need. Some examples are as follows:

  • Storing historical versions of source in separate archives.

    This is the simplest form, and it still lives on to some degree, with many free software projects offering tar archives of older releases to download.

  • Centralized source code management with check in and check out.

    In some systems, a developer can lock files for exclusive use. Every file is managed separately. Tools like this include RCS and SCCS.


    Normally, you don't encounter this class of tool anymore, except the occasional file header indicating that a file was once managed by RCS.

  • A centralized store where you merge before you commit. Examples include Concurrent Versions System (CVS) and Subversion.

    Subversion in particular is still in heavy use. Many organizations have centralized workflows, and Subversion implements such workflows well enough for them.

  • A decentralized store.

    On each step of the evolutionary ladder, we are offered more flexibility and concurrency as well as faster and more efficient workflows. We are also offered more advanced and powerful guns to shoot ourselves in the foot with, which we need to keep in mind!

Currently, Git is the most popular tool in this class, but there are many other similar tools in use, such as Bazaar and Mercurial.

Time will tell whether Git and its underlying data model will fend off the contenders to the throne of source code management, who will undoubtedly manifest themselves in the coming years.

Roles and code

From a DevOps point of view, it is important to leverage the natural meeting point that a source code management tool is. Many different roles have a use for source code management in its wider meaning. It is easier to do so for technically-minded roles but harder for other roles, such as project management.

Developers live and breathe source code management. It's their bread and butter.

Operations personnel also favor managing the descriptions of infrastructure in the form of code, scripts, and other artifacts, as we will see in the coming chapters. Such infrastructural descriptors include network topology, versions of software that should be installed on particular servers, and so on.

Quality assurance personnel can store their automated tests in codified form in the source code repository. This is true for software testing frameworks such as Selenium and Junit, among others.

There is a problem with the documentation of the manual steps needed to perform various tasks, though. This is more of a psychological or cultural problem than a technical one.

While many organizations employ a wiki solution such as the wiki engine powering Wikipedia, there is still a lot of documentation floating around in the Word format on shared drives and in e-mails.

This makes documentation hard to find and use for some roles and easy for others. From a DevOps viewpoint, this is regrettable, and an effort should be made so that all roles can have good and useful access to the documentation in the organization.

It is possible to store all documentation in the wiki format in the central source code repository, depending on the wiki engine used.

Which source code management system?

There are many source code management (SCM) systems out there, and since SCM is such an important part of development, the development of these systems will continue to happen.

Currently, there is a dominant system, however, and that system is Git.

Git has an interesting story: it was initiated by Linus Torvalds to move Linux kernel development from BitKeeper, which was a proprietary system used at the time. The license of BitKeeper changed, so it wasn't practical to use it for the kernel anymore.

Git therefore supports the fairly complicated workflow of Linux kernel development and is, at the base technical level, good enough for most organizations.

The primary benefit of Git versus older systems is that it is a distributed version control system (DVCS). There are many other distributed version control systems, but Git is the most pervasive one.

Distributed version control systems have several advantages, including, but not limited to, the following:

  • It is possible to use a DVCS efficiently even when not connected to a network. You can take your work with you when traveling on a train or an intercontinental flight.
  • Since you don't need to connect to a server for every operation, a DVCS can be faster than the alternatives in most scenarios.
  • You can work privately until you feel your work is ready enough to be shared.
  • It is possible to work with several remote logins simultaneously, which avoids a single point of failure.

Other distributed version control systems apart from Git include the following:

  • Bazaar: This is abbreviated as bzr. Bazaar is endorsed and supported by Canonical, which is the company behind Ubuntu. Launchpad, which is Canonical's code hosting service, supports Bazaar.
  • Mercurial: Notable open source projects such as Firefox and OpenJDK use Mercurial. It originated around the same time as Git.

Git can be complex, but it makes up for this by being fast and efficient. It can be hard to understand, but that can be made easier by using frontends that support different tasks.

A word about source code management system migrations

I have worked with many source code management systems and experienced many transitions from one type of system to another.

Sometimes, much time is spent on keeping all the history intact while performing a migration. For some systems, this effort is well spent, such as for venerable free or open source projects.

For many organizations, keeping the history is not worth the significant expenditure in time and effort. If an older version is needed at some point, the old source code management system can be kept online and referenced. This includes migrations from Visual SourceSafe and ClearCase.

Some migrations are trivial though, such as moving from Subversion to Git. In these cases, historic accuracy need not be sacrificed.

Choosing a branching strategy

When working with code that deploys to servers, it is important to agree on a branching strategy across the organization.

A branching strategy is a convention, or a set of rules, that describes when branches are created, how they are to be named, what use branches should have, and so on.

Branching strategies are important when working together with other people and are, to a degree, less important when you are working on your own, but they still have a purpose.

Most source code management systems do not prescribe a particular branching strategy and neither does Git. The SCM simply gives you the base mechanics to perform branching.

With Git and other distributed version control systems, it is usually pretty cheap to work locally with feature branches. A feature, or topic, branch is a branch that is used to keep track of ongoing development regarding a particular feature, bug, and so on. This way, all changes in the code regarding the feature can be handled together.

There are many well-known branching strategies. Vincent Driessen formalized a branching strategy called Git flow, which has many good features. For some, Git flow is too complex, and in those cases, it can be scaled down. There are many such scaled-down models available. This is what Git flow looks like:

Git flow looks complex, so let's have a brief look at what the branches are for:

  • The master branch only contains finished work. All commits are tagged, since they represent releases. All releases happen from master.
  • The develop branch is where work on the next release happens. When work is finished here, develop is merged to master.
  • We use separate feature branches for all new features. Feature branches are merged to develop.
  • When a devastating bug is revealed in production, a hotfix branch is made where a bug fix is created. The hotfix branch is then merged to master, and a new release for production is made.

Git flow is a centralized pattern, and as such, it's reminiscent of the workflows used with Subversion, CVS, and so on. The main difference is that using Git has some technical and efficiency-related advantages.

Another strategy, called the forking pattern, where every developer has a central repository, is rarely used in practice within organizations, except when, for instance, external parties such as subcontractors are being employed.

Branching problem areas

There is a source of contention between Continuous Delivery practices and branching strategies. Some Continuous Delivery methods advocate a single master branch and all releases being made from the master branch. Git flow is one such model.

This simplifies some aspects of deployment, primarily because the branching graph becomes simpler. This in turn leads to simplified testing, because there is only one branch that leads to the production servers.

On the other hand, what if we need to perform a bug fix on released code, and the master has new features we don't want to release yet? This happens when the installation cadence in production is slower than the release cadence of the development teams. It is an undesirable state of affairs, but not uncommon.

There are two basic methods of handling this issue:

  • Make a bug fix branch and deploy to production from it: This is simpler in the sense that we don't disrupt the development flow. On the other hand, this method might require duplication of testing resources. They might need to mirror the branching strategy.
  • Feature toggling: Another method that places harder requirements on the developers is feature toggling. In this workflow, you turn off features that are not yet ready for production. This way you can release the latest development version, including the bug fix, together with new features, which will be disabled and inactive.

There are no hard rules, and dogmatism is not helpful in this case.

It is better to prepare for both scenarios and use the method that serves you best in the given circumstances.


Here are some observations to guide you in your choice:

Feature toggling is good when you have changes that are mostly backward compatible or are entirely new. Otherwise, the feature toggling code might become overly complex, catering to many different cases. This, in turn, complicates testing.

Bug fix branches complicate deployment and testing. While it is straightforward to branch and make the bug fix, what should the new version be called, and where do we test it? The testing resources are likely to already be occupied by ongoing development branches.

Some products are simple enough for us to create testing environments on the fly as needed, but this is rarely the case with more complex applications. Sometimes, testing resources are very scarce, such as third party web services that are difficult to copy or even hardware resources.

Artifact version naming

Version numbers become important when you have larger installations.

The following list shows the basic principles of version naming:

  • Version numbers should grow monotonically, that is, become larger
  • They should be comparable to each other, and it should be easy to see which version is newer
  • Use the same scheme for all your artifacts

    This usually translates to a version number with three or four parts:

    • The first is major—changes here signal major changes in the code
    • The second is for minor changes, which are backward API compatible
    • The third is for bug fixes
    • The fourth can be a build number

While this might seem simple, it is a sufficiently complex area to have created a standardization effort in the form of SemVer, or Semantic Versioning. The full specification can be read at http://semver.org.

It is convenient that all installable artifacts have a proper release number and a corresponding tag in the source code management system.

Some tools don't work this way. Maven, the Java build tool, supports a snapshot release number. A snapshot can be seen as a version with a fuzzy last part. Snapshots have a couple of drawbacks, though; for instance, you can't immediately see which source code tag the artifact corresponds to. This makes debugging broken installations harder.

The snapshot artifact strategy further violates a basic testing tenet: the exact same binary artifact that was tested should be the one that is deployed to production.

When you are working with snapshots, you instead test the snapshot until you are done testing, then you release the artifact with a real version number, and that artifact is then deployed. It is no longer the same artifact.


While the basic idea of snapshots is, of course, that changing a version number has no practical consequences, Murphy's law states that there are, of course, consequences. It is my experience that Murphy is correct in this case, and snapshot versioning creates more harm than good. Instead, use build numbers.

Choosing a client

One of the nice aspects of Git is that it doesn't mandate the use of a particular client. There are several to choose from, and they are all compatible with each other. Most of the clients use one of several core Git implementations, which is good for stability and quality.

Most current development environments have good support for using Git.

In this sense, choosing a client is not something we actually need to do. Most clients work well enough, and the choice can be left to the preferences of those using the client. Many developers use the client integrated in their development environments, or the command-line Git client. When working with operations tasks, the command-line Git client is often preferred because it is convenient to use when working remotely through an SSH shell.

The one exception where we actually have to make a choice is when we assist people in the organization who are new to source code management in general and Git in particular.

In these cases, it is useful to maintain instructions on how to install and use a simple Git client and configure it for our organization's servers.

A simple instruction manual in the organization's wiki normally solves this issue nicely.

Setting up a basic Git server

It's pretty easy to set up a basic Git server. While this is rarely enough in a large organization, it is a good exercise before moving on to more advanced solutions.

Let's first of all specify an overview of the steps we will take and the bits and pieces we will need to complete them:

  1. A client machine with two user accounts. The git and ssh packages should be installed.

    The SSH protocol features prominently as a base transport for other protocols, which is also is the case for Git.

    You need your SSH public keys handy. If you don't have the keys for some reason, use ssh-keygen to create them.


    We need two users, because we will simulate two users talking to a central server. Make keys for both test users.

  2. A server where the SSH daemon is running.

    This can be the same machine as the one where you simulate the two different client users, or it can be another machine.

  3. A Git server user.

    We need a separate Git user who will handle the Git server functionality.

    Now, you need to append the public keys for your two users to the authorized_keys file, which is located in the respective user's .ssh directory. Copy the keys to this account .


    Are you starting to get the feeling that all of this is a lot of hassle? This is why we will have a look at solutions that simplify this process later.

  4. A bare Git repository.

    Bare Git repositories are a Git peculiarity. They are just Git repositories, except there is no working copy, so they save a bit of space. Here's how to create one:

    cd /opt/git
    mkdir project.git
    cd project.git
    git init --bare
  5. Now, try cloning, making changes, and pushing to the server.

    Let's review the solution:

    • This solution doesn't really scale very well.

      If you have just a couple of people requiring access, the overhead of creating new projects and adding new keys isn't too bad. It's just a onetime cost. If you have a lot of people in your organization who need access, this solution requires too much work.

    • Solving security issues involve even more hassle.

      While I am of the perhaps somewhat controversial opinion that too much work is spent within organizations limiting employee access to systems, there is no denying that you need this ability in your setup.

      In this solution, you would need to set up separate Git server accounts for each role, and that would be a lot of duplication of effort. Git doesn't have fine-grained user access control out of the box.

Shared authentication

In most organizations, there is some form of a central server for handling authentication. An LDAP server is a fairly common choice. While it is assumed that your organization has already dealt with this core issue one way or the other and is already running an LDAP server of some sort, it is comparatively easy to set up an LDAP server for testing purposes.

One possibility is using 389 Server, named after the port commonly used for the LDAP server, together with the phpLDAPadmin web application for administration of the LDAP server.

Having this test LDAP server setup is useful for the purposes of this book, since we can then use the same LDAP server for all the different servers we are going to investigate.

Hosted Git servers

Many organizations can't use services hosted within another organization's walls at all.

These might be government organizations or organizations dealing with money, such as bank, insurance, and gaming organizations.

The causes might be legal or, simply nervousness about letting critical code leave the organization's doors, so to speak.

If you have no such qualms, it is quite reasonable to use a hosted service, such as GitHub or GitLab, that offers private accounts.

Using GitHub or GitLab is, at any rate, a convenient way to get to learn to use Git and explore its possibilities.

Both vendors are easy to evaluate, given that they offer free accounts where you can get to know the services and what they offer. See if you really need all the services or if you can make do with something simpler.

Some of the features offered by both GitLab and GitHub over plain Git are as follows:

  • Web interfaces
  • A documentation facility with an inbuilt wiki
  • Issue trackers
  • Commit visualization
  • Branch visualization
  • The pull request workflow

While these are all useful features, it's not always the case that you can use the facilities provided. For instance, you might already have a wiki, a documentation system, an issue tracker, and so on that you need to integrate with.

The most important features we are looking for, then, are those most closely related to managing and visualizing code.

Large binary files

GitHub and GitLab are pretty similar but do have some differences. One of them springs from the fact that source code systems like Git traditionally didn't cater much for the storage of large binary files. There have always been other ways, such as storing file paths to a file server in plain text files.

But what if you actually have files that are, in a sense, equivalent to source files except that they are binary, and you still want to version them? Such file types might include image files, video files, audio files, and so on. Modern websites make increasing use of media files, and this area has typically been the domain of content management systems (CMSes). CMSes, however nice they might be, have disadvantages compared to DevOps flows, so the allure of storing media files in your ordinary source handling system is strong. Disadvantages of CMSes include the fact that they often have quirky or nonexistent scripting capabilities. Automation, another word that should have really been included in the "DevOps" portmanteau, is therefore often difficult with a CMS.

You can, of course, just check in your binary to Git, and it will be handled like any other file. What happens then is that Git operations involving server operations suddenly become sluggish. And then, some of the main advantages of Git—efficiency and speed—vanish out the window.

Solutions to this problem have evolved over time, but there are no clear winners yet. The contenders are as follows:

  • Git LFS, supported by GitHub
  • Git Annex, supported by GitLab but only in the enterprise edition

Git Annex is the more mature of these. Both solutions are open source and are implemented as extensions to Git via its plugin mechanism.

There are several other systems, which indicates that this is an unresolved pain point in the current state of Git. The Git Annex has a comparison between the different breeds at http://git-annex.branchable.com/not/.


If you need to perform version control of your media files, you should start by exploring Git Annex. It is written in Haskell and is available through the package system of many distributions.

It should also be noted that the primary benefit of this type of solution is the ability to version media files together with the corresponding code. When working with code, you can examine the differences between versions of code conveniently. Examining differences between media files is harder and less useful.

In a nutshell, Git Annex uses a tried and tested solution to data logical problems: adding a layer of indirection. It does this by storing symlinks to files in the repository. The binary files are then stored in the filesystem and fetched by local workspaces using other means, such as rsync. This involves more work to set up the solution, of course.

Trying out different Git server implementations

The distributed nature of Git makes it possible to try out different Git implementations for various purposes. The client-side setup will be similar regardless of how the server is set up.

You can also have several solutions running in parallel. The client side is not unduly complicated by this, since Git is designed to handle several remotes if need be.

Docker intermission

In our applications, called Docker.

In this chapter, we have a similar challenge to solve. We need to be able to try out a couple of different Git server implementations to see which one suits our organization best.

We can use Docker for this, so we will take this opportunity to peek at the possibilities of simplified deployments that Docker offers us.

Since we are going to delve deeper into Docker further along, we will cheat a bit in this chapter and claim that Docker is used to download and run software. While this description isn't entirely untrue, Docker is much more than that. To get started with Docker, follow these steps:

  1. To begin with, install Docker according to the particular instructions for your operating system. For Red Hat derivatives, it's a simple dnf install docker-io command.


    The io suffix might seem a bit mysterious, but there was already a Docker package that implemented desktop functionality, so docker-io was chosen instead.

  2. Then, the docker service needs to be running:
    systemctl enable docker
    systemctl start docker
  3. We need another tool, Docker Compose, which, at the time of writing, isn't packaged for Fedora. If you don't have it available in your package repositories, follow the instructions on this page https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/


Docker Compose is used to automatically start several Docker-packaged applications, such as a database server and a web server, together, which we need for the GitLab example.


A basic Git server is good enough for many purposes.

Sometimes, you need precise control over the workflow, though.

One concrete example is merging changes into configuration code for critical parts of the infrastructure. While my opinion is that it's core to DevOps to not place unnecessary red tape around infrastructure code, there is no denying that it's sometimes necessary. If nothing else, developers might feel nervous committing changes to the infrastructure and would like for someone more experienced to review the code changes.

Gerrit is a Git-based code review tool that can offer a solution in these situations. In brief, Gerrit allows you to set up rules to allow developers to review and approve changes made to a codebase by other developers. These might be senior developers reviewing changes made by inexperienced developers or the more common case, which is simply that more eyeballs on the code is good for quality in general.

Gerrit is Java-based and uses a Java-based Git implementation under the hood.

Gerrit can be downloaded as a Java WAR file and has an integrated setup method. It needs a relational database as a dependency, but you can opt to use an integrated Java-based H2 database that is good enough for evaluating Gerrit.

An even simpler method is using Docker to try out Gerrit. There are several Gerrit images on the Docker registry hub to choose from. The following one was selected for this evaluation exercise: https://hub.docker.com/r/openfrontier/gerrit/

To run a Gerrit instance with Docker, follow these steps:

  1. Initialize and start Gerrit:
    docker run -d -p 8080:8080 -p 29418:29418 openfrontier/gerrit
  2. Open your browser to http://<docker host url>:8080

    Now, we can try out the code review feature we would like to have.

Installing the git-review package

Install git-review on your local installation:

sudo dnf install git-review

This will install a helper application for Git to communicate with Gerrit. It adds a new command, git-review, that is used instead of git push to push changes to the Gerrit Git server.

The value of history revisionism

When we work with code together with other people in a team, the code's history becomes more important than when we work on our own. The history of changes to files becomes a way to communicate. This is especially important when working with code review and code review tools such as Gerrit .

The code changes also need to be easy to understand. Therefore, it is useful, although perhaps counterintuitive, to edit the history of the changes in order to make the resulting history clearer.

As an example, consider a case where you made a number of changes and later changed your mind and removed them. It is not useful information for someone else that you made a set of edits and then removed them. Another case is when you have a set of commits that are easier to understand if they are a single commit. Adding commits together in this way is called squashing in the Git documentation.

Another case that complicates history is when you merge from the upstream central repository several times, and merge commits are added to the history. In this case, we want to simplify the changes by first removing our local changes, then fetching and applying changes from the upstream repository, and then finally reapplying our local changes. This process is called rebasing.

Both squashing and rebasing apply to Gerrit.

The changes should be clean, preferably one commit. This isn't something that is particular to Gerrit; it's easier for a reviewer to understand your changes if they are packaged nicely. The review will be based on this commit.

  1. To begin with, we need to have the latest changes from the Git/Gerrit server side. We rebase our changes on top of the server-side changes:
    git pull --rebase origin master
  2. Then, we polish our local commits by squashing them:
    git rebase -i origin/master

Now, let's have a look at the Gerrit web interface:

We can now approve the change, and it is merged to the master branch.

There is much to explore in Gerrit, but these are the basic principles and should be enough to base an evaluation on.

Are the results worth the hassle, though? These are my observations:

  • Gerrit allows fine-grained access to sensitive codebases. Changes can go in after being reviewed by authorized personnel.

    This is the primary benefit of Gerrit. If you just want to have mandatory code reviews for unclear reasons, don't. The benefit has to be clear for everyone involved. It's better to agree on other more informal methods of code review than an authoritative system.

  • If the alternative to Gerrit is to not allow access to code bases at all, even read-only access, then implement Gerrit.

    Some parts of an organization might be too nervous to allow access to things such as infrastructure configuration. This is usually for the wrong reasons. The problem you usually face isn't people taking an interest in your code; it's the opposite.

    Sometimes, sensitive passwords are checked in to code, and this is taken as a reason to disallow access to the source. Well, if it hurts, don't do it. Solve the problem that leads to there being passwords in the repositories instead.

The pull request model

There is another solution to the problem of creating workflows around code reviews: the pull request model, which has been made popular by GitHub.

In this model, pushing to repositories can be disallowed except for the repository owners. Other developers are allowed to fork the repository, though, and make changes in their fork. When they are done making changes, they can submit a pull request. The repository owners can then review the request and opt to pull the changes into the master repository.

This model has the advantage of being easy to understand, and many developers have experience in it from the many open source projects on GitHub.

Setting up a system capable of handling a pull request model locally will require something like GitHub or GitLab, which we will look at next.


GitLab supports many convenient features on top of Git. It's a large and complex software system based on Ruby. As such, it can be difficult to install, what with getting all the dependencies right and so on.

There is a nice Docker Compose file for GitLab available at https://registry.hub.docker.com/u/sameersbn/gitlab/. If you followed the instructions for Docker shown previously, including the installation of docker-compose, it's now pretty simple to start a local GitLab instance:

mkdir gitlab
cd gitlab
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sameersbn/docker-gitlab/master/docker-compose.yml
docker-compose up

The docker-compose command will read the .yml file and start all the required services in a default demonstration configuration.

If you read the startup log in the console window, you will notice that three separate application containers have been started: gitlab postgresql1, gitlab redis1, and gitlab gitlab1.

The GitLab container includes the Ruby base web application and Git backend functionality. Redis is distributed key-value store, and PostgreSQL is a relational database.

If you are used to setting up complicated server functionality, you will appreciate that we have saved a great deal of time with docker-compose.

The docker-compose.yml file sets up data volumes at /srv/docker/gitlab.

To log in to the web user interface, use the administrator password given with the installation instructions for the GitLab Docker image. They have been replicated here, but beware that they might change as the Docker image author sees fit:

  • Username: root
  • Password: 5iveL!fe

Here is a screenshot of the GitLab web user interface login screen:

Try importing a project to your GitLab server from, for instance, GitHub or a local private project.

Have a look at how GitLab visualizes the commit history and branches.

While investigating GitLab, you will perhaps come to agree that it offers a great deal of interesting functionality.

When evaluating features, it's important to keep in mind whether it's likely that they will be used after all. What core problem would GitLab, or similar software, solve for you?

It turns out that the primary value added by GitLab, as exemplified by the following two features, is the elimination of bottlenecks in DevOps workflows:

  • The management of user ssh keys
  • The creation of new repositories

These features are usually deemed to be the most useful.

Visualization features are also useful, but the client-side visualization available with Git clients is more useful to developers.


In this chapter, we explored some of the options available to us for managing our organization's source code. We also investigated areas where decisions need to be made within DevOps, version numbering, and branching strategies.

After having dealt with source code in its pure form, we will next work on building the code into useful binary artifacts.