Big Data Analytics

Big Data analytics and the role of Hadoop and Spark

Conventional data analytics uses Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS) databases to create data warehouses and data marts for analytics using business intelligence tools. RDBMS databases use the Schema-on-Write approach; there are many downsides for this approach.

Traditional data warehouses were designed to Extract, Transform, and Load (ETL) data in order to answer a set of predefined questions, which are directly related to user requirements. Predefined questions are answered using SQL queries. Once the data is transformed and loaded in a consumable format, it becomes easier for users to access it with a variety of tools and applications to generate reports and dashboards. However, creating data in a consumable format requires several steps, which are listed as follows:

  1. Deciding predefined questions.
  2. Identifying and collecting data from source systems.
  3. Creating ETL pipelines to load the data into the analytic database in a consumable format.

If new questions arise, systems need to identify and add new data sources and create new ETL pipelines. This involves schema changes in databases and the effort of implementation typically ranges from one to six months. This is a big constraint and forces the data analyst to operate in predefined boundaries only.

Transforming data into a consumable format generally results in losing raw/atomic data that might have insights or clues to the answers that we are looking for.

Processing structured and unstructured data is another challenge in traditional data warehousing systems. Storing and processing large binary images or videos effectively is always a challenge.

Big Data analytics does not use relational databases; instead, it uses the Schema-on-Read (SOR) approach on the Hadoop platform using Hive and HBase typically. There are many advantages of this approach. Figure 1.2 shows the Schema-on-Write and Schema-on-Read scenarios:

Figure 1.2: Schema-on-Write versus Schema-on-Read

The Schema-on-Read approach introduces flexibility and reusability to systems. The Schema-on-Read paradigm emphasizes storing the data in a raw, unmodified format and applying a schema to the data as needed, typically while it is being read or processed. This approach allows considerably more flexibility in the amount and type of data that can be stored. Multiple schemas can be applied to the same raw data to ask a variety of questions. If new questions need to be answered, just get the new data and store it in a new directory of HDFS and start answering new questions.

This approach also provides massive flexibility over how the data can be consumed with multiple approaches and tools. For example, the same raw data can be analyzed using SQL analytics or complex Python or R scripts in Spark. As we are not storing data in multiple layers, which is needed for ETL, so the storage cost and data movement cost is reduced. Analytics can be done for unstructured and structured data sources along with structured data sources.

A typical Big Data analytics project life cycle

The life cycle of Big Data analytics using Big Data platforms such as Hadoop is similar to traditional data analytics projects. However, a major paradigm shift is using the Schema-on-Read approach for the data analytics.

A Big Data analytics project involves the activities shown in Figure 1.3:

Figure 1.3: The Big Data analytics life cycle

Identifying the problem and outcomes

Identify the business problem and desired outcome of the project clearly so that it scopes in what data is needed and what analytics can be performed. Some examples of business problems are company sales going down, customers visiting the website but not buying products, customers abandoning shopping carts, a sudden rise in support call volume, and so on. Some examples of project outcomes are improving the buying rate by 10%, decreasing shopping cart abandonment by 50%, and reducing support call volume by 50% by the next quarter while keeping customers happy.

Identifying the necessary data

Identify the quality, quantity, format, and sources of data. Data sources can be data warehouses (OLAP), application databases (OLTP), log files from servers, documents from the Internet, and data generated from sensors and network hubs. Identify all the internal and external data source requirements. Also, identify the data anonymization and re-identification requirements of data to remove or mask personally identifiable information (PII).

Data collection

Collect data from relational databases using the Sqoop tool and stream data using Flume. Consider using Apache Kafka for reliable intermediate storage. Design and collect data considering fault tolerance scenarios.

Preprocessing data and ETL

Data comes in different formats and there can be data quality issues. The preprocessing step converts the data to a needed format or cleanses inconsistent, invalid, or corrupt data. The performing analytics phase will be initiated once the data conforms to the needed format. Apache Hive, Apache Pig, and Spark SQL are great tools for preprocessing massive amounts of data.

This step may not be needed in some projects if the data is already in a clean format or analytics are performed directly on the source data with the Schema-on-Read approach.

Performing analytics

Analytics are performed in order to answer business questions. This requires an understanding of data and relationships between data points. The types of analytics performed are descriptive and diagnostic analytics to present the past and current views on the data. This typically answers questions such as what happened and why it happened. In some cases, predictive analytics is performed to answer questions such as what would happen based on a hypothesis.

Apache Hive, Pig, Impala, Drill, Tez, Apache Spark, and HBase are great tools for data analytics in batch processing mode. Real-time analytics tools such as Impala, Tez, Drill, and Spark SQL can be integrated into traditional business intelligence tools (Tableau, Qlikview, and others) for interactive analytics.

Visualizing data

Data visualization is the presentation of analytics output in a pictorial or graphical format to understand the analysis better and make business decisions based on the data.

Typically, finished data is exported from Hadoop to RDBMS databases using Sqoop for integration into visualization systems or visualization systems are directly integrated into tools such as Tableau, Qlikview, Excel, and so on. Web-based notebooks such as Jupyter, Zeppelin, and Databricks cloud are also used to visualize data by integrating Hadoop and Spark components.

The role of Hadoop and Spark

Hadoop and Spark provide you with great flexibility in Big Data analytics:

  • Large-scale data preprocessing; massive datasets can be preprocessed with high performance
  • Exploring large and full datasets; the dataset size does not matter
  • Accelerating data-driven innovation by providing the Schema-on-Read approach
  • A variety of tools and APIs for data exploration