The beginning of the big data problem
The origin of Hadoop goes back to the beginning of the century, when the number of Internet searches started growing exponentially and Google emerged as the most popular Internet search engine. In 1998, when Google started offering an Internet search service, it was receiving only 10,000 search queries per day. By 2004, when Google did its IPO, it was serving 200 million queries per day. By the year 2006, Google users were submitting 10,000 queries per second to this popular search engine. One thousand computers processed a search query in just 0.2 seconds. It should be fairly obvious, by the massive numbers of queries and 50% average year to year growth between 2002 and 2006, that Google could not rely upon traditional relational database systems for its data processing needs.
Limitations of RDBMS systems
A relational database management system (RDBMS) stores data in tables. RDBMSs are the preferred choice for storing the data in a structured form, but the high price and lower performance of RDBMSs becomes a limiting factor to support big data use cases where data comes both in structured and unstructured forms. RDBMSs were designed in the period when the cost of computing and data storage was very high, and data of business relevance was generally available in a structured form. Unstructured data such as documents, drawings and photos were stored on LAN-based file servers.
As the complexity of queries and the size of datasets grow, RDBMSs require investment into more powerful servers whose costs can go up to several hundred thousand USD per unit. When the size of data grows, and the system still has to be reliable, then businesses invest in Storage Area Networks' which is an expensive technology to buy. RDBMSs need more RAM and CPUs to scale up. This kind of upward scaling is called vertical scaling. As the size of RAM and the number of CPUs increase in a single server, the server hardware becomes more expensive. Such servers gradually take the shape of a proprietary hardware solution and create a severe vendor lock-in.
Hadoop and many other NoSQL databases meet higher performance and storage requirements by following a scale out model, which is also called horizontal scaling. In this model, more servers are added in the cluster instead of adding more RAM and CPUs to a server.
Scaling out a database on Google
Google engineers designed and developed Bigtable to store massive volumes of data. Bigtable is a distributed storage system, which is designed to run on commodity servers. In the context of Hadoop, you will often hear the term commodity servers. Commodity servers are inexpensive servers that are widely available through a number of vendors. These servers have cheap replaceable parts. There is no standard definition for commodity servers but we can say that they should cost less than 7000 to 8000 USD per unit.
The scalability and performance of Bigtable and the ability to linearly scale it up made it popular among users at Google. Bigtable has been in production since 2005, and more than 60 applications make use of it, including services such as Google Earth and Google analytics. These applications demand very different size and latency requirements from Bigtable. The data size can vary from satellite images to web page addresses. Latency requirements involve batch processing of bulk data at one end while real-time data serving at the other end of the spectrum. Bigtable demonstrated that it could successfully serve workloads requiring a wide range of class of service.
In 2006, Google published a paper titled Bigtable: A Distributed Storage System for Structured Data (Fay Chang, 2015), which established that it was possible to build a distributed storage system for structured data using commodity servers. Apache HBase, which is a NoSQL key value store on the top of Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS), is modeled after Bigtable, which is built on the top of Google File System (GFS). The goal of the HBase project is to build a storage system to store billions of rows and millions of columns with real-time querying capabilities.
Parallel processing of large datasets
With the growing popularity of Google as the search engine preferred by Internet users, the key concern of engineers at Google became keeping its search results up to date and relevant. As the number of queries exponentially grew together with the searchable information on the World Wide Web, Google needed a fast system to index web pages. In 2004, Google published a paper titled MapReduce: Simplified Data Processing on Large Clusters (Dean & Ghemawat, 2004). This paper described a new programming model named MapReduce to process large data sets. In MapReduce, data processing is mainly done in two phases, which are known as Map and Reduce. In the Map phase, multiple intermediate key/values are created using a map function specified by the user from a key/value pair. In the Reduce phase, all intermediate key/values are merged to produce the results of processing.
MapReduce based programming jobs can run on a single computer to thousands of commodity servers each costing few thousand dollars. Programmers find MapReduce easy to use because they can take the benefit of parallel processing without understanding the intricacies of complex parallel processing algorithms. A typical Hadoop cluster will be used to process from a few terabytes to several hundreds of petabytes of data.
Nutch project
From 2002 to 2004, Doug Cutting and Mike Cafarella were working on the Nutch project. The goal of the Nutch project was to develop an open source web scale crawler type search engine. Doug Cutting and Mike Cafarella were able to demonstrate that Nutch was able to search 100 million pages on four nodes. In 2004, after the publication of the MapReduce white paper, Cutting and Cafarella added a distributed file system (DFS) and MapReduce to Nutch. This considerably improved the performance of Nutch. On 20 nodes, Nutch was able to search several 100 millions of web pages but it was still far from web scale performance.