Hadoop Blueprints

What you need for this book

Code and data samples have been provided for every chapter. We have used Hadoop version 2.7.x in this book. All the coding samples have been developed and tested on the stock (Apache Software Foundation) version of Hadoop and other tools. You can download these tools from the Apache Software Foundation website. In Chapter 2, A 360-Degree View of the Customer, we have used Hortonworks Data Platform (HDP) 2.3. HDP 2.3 is a bundle of Hadoop and several other tools from the ecosystem in a convenient virtual machine image that can run on VirtualBox or VMWare. You can download this virtual image from the website of Hortonworks at http://hortonworks.com/downloads/#data-platform. Due to the fast-evolving nature of Hadoop and its ecosystem of tools, you might find that newer versions are available than the ones used in this book. The specific versions of the tools needed for the examples have been mentioned in the chapters where they are first introduced.