Mobile Forensics:Advanced Investigative Strategies


Smartphone and tablet technology has changed dramatically and rapidly in the last several years and continues to do so at an astounding pace. These smaller computing devices are so common, with the ability to replace their desktop counterparts in human-to-computer interactions. Sit in any café, airport, or public place that offers Wi-Fi and you will see humans with their faces ostensibly glued to their device screens, interacting on their device with such focus, seemingly oblivious to their own physical environment.

Smartphone and tablet devices have become large digital storage vaults that store our personal and professional secrets. Strangely enough, with little faith, we have also begun to allow ourselves to accept backup up of this data to the cloud so that important aspects of our local device storage are now also in cloud storage. Why did I mention cloud storage? Cloud backup data can be accessed outside of the device itself through other processes, when access to the device data itself may be obstructed due to security mechanisms. This book addresses cloud forensics from the various smartphone platforms.

Whilst this could be considered a highly technical book, it is an excellent read for both novices and experienced examiners alike. For those that have read any of the blog articles that have been published by Elcomsoft, you will find a comfortable approach to the way this book has been written.

The authors of this book strive to provide essential information about a number of concepts including the following:

  • NAND eMMC flash memory
  • A brief summary of JTAG forensics
  • NANDroid backups
  • iOS security and acquisition method
  • Password breaking on iOS backups
  • Windows Phones security and acquisition
  • BlackBerry 7 and BlackBerry data acquisition methods and password breaking

There are of course references to customized tools that are developed by the authors and their colleagues. What this highlights to anyone reading this is that in the field of mobile forensics, no one tool can do it all. I know and say this from experience because I have used all the tools mentioned in this book. All tools have their strengths and limitations. But to be effective, an examiner must have at least several tools to cover the broad range of technology in mobile forensics.